
Archived from groups: alt.cellular.cingular (More info?)

Longtime Sprint user switching to Cingular at the end of the month... I was
in the Cingular store getting some plan info and such, and the girl
mentioned there will be new plans coming out on August 1st.

Any insiders got the scoop on what the plans will be... or will they be
mostly the same plans? Specifically I'm curious if the $40 rollover plan may
get any better.


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Archived from groups: alt.cellular.cingular (More info?)

On Fri, 23 Jul 2004 23:51:43 -0400, "neZZr" <BillyG@Micro$hank.com>

>Longtime Sprint user switching to Cingular at the end of the month... I was
>in the Cingular store getting some plan info and such, and the girl
>mentioned there will be new plans coming out on August 1st.
>Any insiders got the scoop on what the plans will be... or will they be
>mostly the same plans? Specifically I'm curious if the $40 rollover plan may
>get any better.

Try howardforums.com or phonescoop.com


Archived from groups: alt.cellular.cingular (More info?)

In article <4101dcd0_6@corp.newsgroups.com>,
"neZZr" <BillyG@Micro$hank.com> wrote:

> Longtime Sprint user switching to Cingular at the end of the month... I was
> in the Cingular store getting some plan info and such, and the girl
> mentioned there will be new plans coming out on August 1st.
> Any insiders got the scoop on what the plans will be... or will they be
> mostly the same plans? Specifically I'm curious if the $40 rollover plan may
> get any better.

www.cingular.com/nyc has a FREE Motorola v.400 only for New York City


Archived from groups: alt.cellular.cingular (More info?)

I received a phone call today from Cingular concerning a new Promo they
seem to have. They wanted to know if I wanted to upgrade my Nokia6340i
Gait phone for a GSM Sony Erickson phone. There would be an $18.00
charge for the new phone but I could get the Nation 250 Plan for $29.00
year (which is what I pay now). They said they have completed their
upgrades and the new phone will be better than the one I have and it
comes with Nationwide no roaming charges.

Does anyone know about this new Promo and if this really is a better
plan? I am new to "cellular" and seldom use the phone mainly for
emergencies and traveling.

My Gait phone has been ok so far but she claims the new phone will have
better pickup etc. She also said the Promo may not be available at my
local Cingular store but only through her. Does this sound like a
legitimate Promo? I do not like to switch phones without seeing or
knowing more about the new one. If anyone has this phone and the new
plan would you please let me know if it is truly a better plan and gives
us more for our money than the other promo plan they had last year?



Apr 1, 2004
Archived from groups: alt.cellular.cingular (More info?)

In article <1267-410E7CB0-30@storefull-3251.bay.webtv.net>,
bartalo@webtv.net wrote:

> I received a phone call today from Cingular concerning a new Promo they
> seem to have. They wanted to know if I wanted to upgrade my Nokia6340i
> Gait phone for a GSM Sony Erickson phone. There would be an $18.00
> charge for the new phone but I could get the Nation 250 Plan for $29.00
> year (which is what I pay now). They said they have completed their
> upgrades and the new phone will be better than the one I have and it
> comes with Nationwide no roaming charges.
> Does anyone know about this new Promo and if this really is a better
> plan? I am new to "cellular" and seldom use the phone mainly for
> emergencies and traveling.
> My Gait phone has been ok so far but she claims the new phone will have
> better pickup etc. She also said the Promo may not be available at my
> local Cingular store but only through her. Does this sound like a
> legitimate Promo? I do not like to switch phones without seeing or
> knowing more about the new one. If anyone has this phone and the new
> plan would you please let me know if it is truly a better plan and gives
> us more for our money than the other promo plan they had last year?
> Thanks!
> Bea

My rule of thumb is if the are in a Hard Sell mode like that, it
benefits them far more than it does me. If they are at all altruistic,
they needn't charge an $18 Activation Fee.


If your phone works, enjoy it.


Archived from groups: alt.cellular.cingular (More info?)

[POSTED TO alt.cellular.cingular - REPLY ON USENET PLEASE]

In <1267-410E7CB0-30@storefull-3251.bay.webtv.net> on Mon, 2 Aug 2004 12:41:04
-0500, bartalo@webtv.net wrote:

>I received a phone call today from Cingular concerning a new Promo they
>seem to have. They wanted to know if I wanted to upgrade my Nokia6340i
>Gait phone for a GSM Sony Erickson phone. There would be an $18.00
>charge for the new phone but I could get the Nation 250 Plan for $29.00
>year (which is what I pay now). They said they have completed their
>upgrades and the new phone will be better than the one I have and it
>comes with Nationwide no roaming charges.
>Does anyone know about this new Promo and if this really is a better
>plan? I am new to "cellular" and seldom use the phone mainly for
>emergencies and traveling.
>My Gait phone has been ok so far but she claims the new phone will have
>better pickup etc. She also said the Promo may not be available at my
>local Cingular store but only through her. Does this sound like a
>legitimate Promo? I do not like to switch phones without seeing or
>knowing more about the new one. If anyone has this phone and the new
>plan would you please let me know if it is truly a better plan and gives
>us more for our money than the other promo plan they had last year?

Cingular is trying to get people off TDMA/AMPS. However, the part about
"better" service is rubbish -- the 6340i (as distinct from the original 6340)
works great on both existing and future Cingular services, and will give you
performance as good as the offered GSM phone when on GSM, with the advantage
of TDMA/AMPS where there is no GSM coverage. I can see no good reason for you
to change unless (1) you prefer the new phone and (2) don't care about

John Navas <http://navasgrp.home.att.net/#Cingular>


Apr 1, 2004
Archived from groups: alt.cellular.cingular (More info?)

In article <m2yPc.5230$54.85009@typhoon.sonic.net>,
John Navas <spamfilter0@navasgroup.com> wrote:

> Cingular is trying to get people off TDMA/AMPS. However, the part about
> "better" service is rubbish -- the 6340i (as distinct from the original 6340)
> works great on both existing and future Cingular services, and will give you
> performance as good as the offered GSM phone when on GSM, with the advantage
> of TDMA/AMPS where there is no GSM coverage. I can see no good reason for you
> to change unless (1) you prefer the new phone and (2) don't care about

WOW. John, I apologize. We're on the same page with this posting. You
even come off as negative toward Cingular.


Archived from groups: alt.cellular.cingular (More info?)

[POSTED TO alt.cellular.cingular - REPLY ON USENET PLEASE]

In <RM143-8CFE53.17284502082004@news06.east.earthlink.net> on Mon, 02 Aug 2004
22:28:46 GMT, Robert <RM143@ret.com> wrote:

>In article <m2yPc.5230$54.85009@typhoon.sonic.net>,
> John Navas <spamfilter0@navasgroup.com> wrote:
>> Cingular is trying to get people off TDMA/AMPS. However, the part about
>> "better" service is rubbish -- the 6340i (as distinct from the original 6340)
>> works great on both existing and future Cingular services, and will give you
>> performance as good as the offered GSM phone when on GSM, with the advantage
>> of TDMA/AMPS where there is no GSM coverage. I can see no good reason for you
>> to change unless (1) you prefer the new phone and (2) don't care about
>WOW. John, I apologize.


>We're on the same page with this posting.

Even a stopped clock is right twice a day. ;-)

>even come off as negative toward Cingular.

I'm not negative. I'm not positive.
I just tell it like it is, whether it's contracts or phones.

John Navas <http://navasgrp.home.att.net/#Cingular>