Signal Cable Message



Archived from groups: microsoft.public.win98.gen_discussion (More info?)

When booting, get message "Signal Cable Not Found"

windows does not load.

What might this be?

Thanks for any help


Archived from groups: microsoft.public.win98.gen_discussion (More info?)

> When booting, get message "Signal Cable Not Found"

That sounds *something* like a monitor problem. Because when I unplug my
monitor when it's still on - I get a message something like "Signal Cable
unplugged". Check if your monitor us plugged in right.


Archived from groups: microsoft.public.win98.gen_discussion (More info?)

Sounds like a refresh rate or screen mode error - try this:

Boot into Safe Mode by either hitting F8 or by holding down the Ctrl key
after memory and drives are checked but before Windows starts up. Enter the
Display Properties screen either from the Control Panel or by right-clicking
an empty part of the desktop and selecting Properties. On the Settings tab,
set the display to 640x480, 256 colors. You'll be warned that these
settings will be applied when you reboot - that's fine, that's what we want.
Restart the system and you should have a display visible, and you can slowly
and carefully change your display back to the resolution and color depth it
was at, one step at a time.

Richard G. Harper [MVP Shell/User]
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"Forrest Ganther" <> wrote in message
> When booting, get message "Signal Cable Not Found"
> windows does not load.
> What might this be?
> Thanks for any help


Dec 31, 2007
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.win98.gen_discussion (More info?)

Test to see if it is the monitor cable a PIN could be broken, the signal PIN,
by getting a working monitor and switch off to it and boot and see if the
problem occurs again. If your pluggin this into a Video Card otherthan the
motherboard check the card to see if it is seated AOK before you diagnose the
computer further. Run the menu on your monitor once you have it disconnected
and see that the menu works AOK. Don't break the PINs on the other monitor or
you might end up owing your friend another one if you borrowed it.

Coming of Age at mysite - webwalking
Hope to hear from you soon. Michael

"Forrest Ganther" wrote:

> When booting, get message "Signal Cable Not Found"
> windows does not load.
> What might this be?
> Thanks for any help