Laptop won't start with SP2



Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.basics (More info?)

I downloaded SP2 to my desktop with no problem. Downloaded it to my
laptop and it won't start. I gather that I must update my BIOS. So I
downloaded the latest BIOS file to my desktop. The file is 12400v14.exe
from Toshiba. I need to get the BIOS onto a bootable CD to get the
laptop started. I don't think that file will start the laptop in the
form of an .exe. Do I have to run that .exe on the desktop to extract
the BIOS, then transfer the BIOS file to the CD? It scares me to run
that .exe on my desktop and screw it too. I can't find anything on the
Toshiba site to explain the operation. Please help. Thanks.



Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.basics (More info?)

You have already posted this in the XP General discussion group.

"Paul J Ruiz" wrote:

> I downloaded SP2 to my desktop with no problem. Downloaded it to my
> laptop and it won't start. I gather that I must update my BIOS. So I
> downloaded the latest BIOS file to my desktop. The file is 12400v14.exe
> from Toshiba. I need to get the BIOS onto a bootable CD to get the
> laptop started. I don't think that file will start the laptop in the
> form of an .exe. Do I have to run that .exe on the desktop to extract
> the BIOS, then transfer the BIOS file to the CD? It scares me to run
> that .exe on my desktop and screw it too. I can't find anything on the
> Toshiba site to explain the operation. Please help. Thanks.
> Paul