Difference between tv card and TFT monitor with inbuilt?


Aug 7, 2006
What's the difference (in quality) between an internal pci tv card and TFT monitor with inbuilt tuner? I'm trying to upgrade my CRT 17" monitor to a Montior that will double as a TV (with remote and all).

I have seen some good TFT's, which have internal tv tuners but have not seen the tuner in action, and wondered if an internal pci card (with possible remote if exists) is just as good quality and price wise.

Also, how good are the TV monitors with these built in. Been scouring the web for about a web for this answer now and have none.

Also, which card, which has a DVb capability will stop me getting the blurryness which put me off pci cards about 2 years ago or so. Can you get ones that are perfectly good to watch sport (ie football) on these days.?

I like in the UK, and have Semron 2800+ 64 bit in a ECS 754 board with a radeon 9700 pro and 1gb 3200 ram


Jul 6, 2006
The main difference is that the card-based tuner can be programmed. And you can also record with it at specified times, etc ...

+ it's more fun, you can watch in a window while doing something else on the computer.

I say there's simply no comparasion. However get a quality tuner, not some cheap BT878 cr@p...[/b]


Aug 7, 2006
so am i right in thinking that the in built tuner in tfts, is just the same basic card that a pci will be. If so, i'm better off getting a tv card and a tft monitor without the in built card then?


Apr 3, 2001
I have a 30" wide screen LCD TV. It has a builtin TV tuner.

However, I have the following connected to this panel:

- Windows Media Center 2005 PC with two HD tuner cards, and one SD tuner card. Connected via DVI to DVI to the panel.

- XBox 360 via HDTV component connection

- Stand alone DVD player

- Sony VCR

These connections are possible because the LCD panel has multiple numerous video in connections plus a builti in TV tuner.

Standing alone, the LCD can not record TV programs. However, the three TV tuners in the Windows MCE PC allows me to record a TV program from each of the tuners.

There are no significant technological differences between a tuner in an LCD TV and a tuner card for a PC. The do the same things. Some brands of LCD TVs use better tuners than others, and some brands if TV tuner cards are better than others.

Incidentally, graphics drivers for LCD wide screen PC panels are better than they were three years ago.

So, you might do as I did. Get a panel with a builtin tuner and with enough other connectors for a PC with a tuner card.