
Aug 1, 2006
this might not be the place to ask but here it goes :) I was looking at the new DLP TV's and was wondering if they are any good? how do the compare to a LCD TV?


Feb 25, 2006
I've seen both. They're pretty equal, IMHO. But, no one can tell you which looks better. They are rather similar: You have to compare for yourself. Go to a local Best Buy or Circuit City and check out the new models..



Apr 19, 2006
IMHO I prefer DLP tech as appose to LCD tech if your main goal is watching tv and movies.

The LCDs will give a sharper image and there is usually a bit of space between the pixels that can get annoying if you notice it. IMO LCDs are better suited if used for presentations and displaying data like graphs, ect...
LCD's also start loosing image quality after 1 year of regular use.

DLP is good in that there is no burn in, the contrast is usually way higher than that of a comparable LCD screen, DLPs usually blend the image a bit and this removes the spacing between the pixels and IMO gives a nicer image when watching tv & movies. The one thing to look out for in a DLP is the rainbow effect, since the colours are displayed one after another, some people can see the different colours as their being displayed. This is usually not a problem because most DLPs run at 120hz wich is undetectable by almost all people, but some still manage to see it. If you can't see it, then its not a problem
DLPs start loosing image quality after 5 years of regular use. Thats the same as CRTs

Other than that, I'm not really sure what other differences there are. If you are really intrested look at wikipedia or howstuffworks.com for a good understanding of the tech.

As a side, I've noticed that usually BB or FS tweek their tv's so that the plasmas look the best, you can only get a good comparison when all the tvs are set to look their best, not only the ones that they want you to buy.

Also, dont get pulled into the whole monster cable thing...



May 29, 2005
the previous one is absolute right
u can have a look there and see how this technoloce works.
also i must add to the previous one is i understand right,it says that after 5 years of use they lose they colors. thats not true.
the only thing that happens is because of dust that has been set on the mirror the colours does not look good.
i was present when a tech guy came an has been done the service on a dlp tv.
the only thing that he did is to remove the cover and clean the mirror, with antistatic liquid.
it tooks few min until put the cover again.
the result. magnifisant.
the tv was absolute new the colours high like a new one.
and it was a 15+(i htink) years old tv.