How do set up a multiple boot drive system w/removeable HDD


Jan 26, 2005
Hello. I'm trying to set my system up with two separate boot drives in a removable HDD bay arrangement (one boot drive for gaming; the other for general use), but my first attempt used two different models of HDD, causing the BIOS to not recognize the other HDD as a boot drive. I'm using an Asus P4C800-E mobo/BIOS. It appears that the BIOS recognizes the boot drive by it's model number. If I have two identical models of HDD, will that "fool" the BIOS into accepting both as boot drives? Thanks!!
no. You need to remove both hard drives and select the drive that is non-removable. On this drive put the jumper into the Master position. (read manual for this). On the second HDD (the removable one) make sure the jumper is set to Slave. Then install as if they were both non-removable drives.