Additional Author Information Now In Threads

First off, nice job! I like the additional information, especially Post Count and Location.

And now some constructive feedback:

"posts" should be "Posts"
"More informations" should be "More Information"
"Profile" should be "Rank", "Title", or something similar
Please take away the black bullets (dots)

Nice improvement, thanks.
Also, when you mouse of "More informations" it gives you mroe options. One of those options is "View his configuration"

I feel that in addition to the english corrections you should omit the word "his" or use a gender neutral term.

While we are mostly men here, there are women as well!
I was visiting my grandfather at William Beaumont Hospital in Royal Oak, Michigan and I noticed some speed BUMPS in the parking lot.

Seriously guys, all your hard work in the articles, benchmarks, and great CPU charts shouldn't be in part diminished by incorrect English in the user interface of every message on this forum.

LOL. Thanks for fixing that. I know it's not a big deal, but it was driving me nuts. The interface is still sexist, but I'll comprimise and call this a victory.

Have a good day!