Second Take: Starcraft II vs Grand Theft Auto IV


Feb 20, 2008
Hi Ben,

This is a really hard one to call.

For starters I don't think SC2 will be released in 2008. I've followed blizzard games for a long time. Heck, I've played over 5000 Starcraft / Broodwars games on!

Blizzard won't release SC2 until it's ready. They still have to have the closed beta and then the open beta. I don't think it's going to be released in 2008.

Balance will be a huge thing for SC2 and balancing and testing is going to take a long time to achieve this. Blizzard knows very well the success of SC2 depends on play balance. It's highly unlikely that SC2 will be released in 2008.

As for which will be a bigger game I think GTA4 will definately be the more popular of the two. Many people don't like RTS but everyone and their grandma loves GTA.

GTA4 will be impressive, especially since it's the most realistic simulation of New York ever made. I think this might bring so many people to gaming who otherwise wouldn't have even tried a PC game.

In conclusion, I think SC2 will be the next huge RTS game but GTA4 will be the bigger game since it appeals to the masses and from what I've seen it will deliver to the masses.

Apartments Estepona


Jan 28, 2008
This really isn't a question.. Even if you didn't count Asia SC2 is going to dominate.

You say SC is for a select audience? So you don't call a hooker pimping, thug killing, seriously mature game a title for a "select audience"?

SC2 is being designed for people (men women and children) of pretty much all ages and computers. You will not need to be old enough to join the army to play it and you will not need near a top of the line rig to experience it.

GTA on the other hand is targeted for boys ages from 13-23.


Feb 20, 2008

I am far more of a Starcraft fan than Grand Theft Auto but I am being, what is known as, objective.

Let's look at the figures:

"As of September 26, 2007, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas has sold 20 million units,[33] with 8.6 million of those units being sold in the US.[32"

Starcraft totals 9.5 million copies.

I understand Starcraft was released a long time ago, but this 9.5 million includes 4 million sales in Korea alone.

Now, you gotta also realise that GTA4 isn't even coming out on PC this year. It's only 360 and PS3.

If you're talking about PC only sales then yeah, SC2 will crush GTA4 but when you combine the console sales SC2 will get pwned.

"SC2 is being designed for people (men women and children) of pretty much all ages and computers."

Just because a game is DESIGNED for all ages doesn't mean it appeals to everyone. Grand Theft Auto appeals to a broarder audience than Starcraft whether you like it or not.

Oh and those SC sales figures includes BW as well.

One thing that turns people away from RTS is the complexity and speed required. It's also why so many people love MMORPGs or Sims because they require very little skill to play.

GTA4 is simple, fun and looks beautiful, 3 reasons why it's gonna dominate sales.

Don't get me wrong, I'm looking forward to SC2 more than GTA4. In fact, I've been looking forward to SC2 ever since I stopped playing SC when War3 came out.

Try to be more obejective.

Estepona Apartments


Dec 28, 2006
My avatar says what I want..


I have no doubt GTA IV is going to be really fun, GTA series has been one of my favs since I played GTA2, I got SA for my youngest sister recently, she loves it, it's pretty fun. Way better than the sims (16 million) and sims 2 (16 million again :\ ), which she both has, i'm so glad she doesn't play those 2 games anymore.. Sims thumbs down, San Anreas thumbs up!

When GTA4 comes out for PC, I will probably get it. (although not announced, but couple months later..)


Aug 4, 2006
hahaha i love that line in sc "Stabilize the warp fields!" LOL makes me laugh every time.. because i love the game so much

also "naturally" man that line is just perfect


Oct 5, 2007
Yeah, GTA4 will be huge. SC2, barring any horrific miscalculations, will be infinitely better. Clearly sales does not equal quality these days. You could release a console game called "PimP" with dated graphics and gameplay consistiing of only the content of the "Hot Coffee" mod in San Andreas and you'd sell five million copies - especially if it was marketed as "gritty".

I have to say that I'm pretty shocked by how bad the modeling and textures in GTA4 look. I mean, it looks better than the atrocious-looking San Andreas, but they'd better be implementing a pretty serious overhall before the release. I mean, look at the trailer for Mafia II by comparison. Of course, the original Mafia was a system-killer, so maybe it will have to be toned-down to run on the consoles...

Ben extoles the virtues playing the game in a "realistic" Liberty City, but I think that "realism" may not be the best thing for the GTA games. I've played the original GTA, GTAIII, Vice City and San Andreas and the goofiest and most unrealistic of them, Vice City, was easily the most fun. It was kind of a cross between Liberty City and Carmageddon. I know, everyone thought that San Andreas was the greatest, but I thought it was a total drag. With some mods it was at least playable on the PC - I don't know how the consolers got through that snorefest.

I'll reserve judgment until the games come out (next year!). Still, SC2 looks to be pretty incredible....


Feb 19, 2007
SC2 will own GTA4 in PC doubt. To me that's all that matters as I am not even remotely interested in any GTA games. I will buy SC2 for me and all my friends so we can have some battle royals. My prediction.....whenever SC2 comes out will be the best selling game of all time........


Feb 20, 2008
OMG MAFIA II??? You just made my day dude!

As for which game will be actually better SC2 or GTA4 there is no comparison possible.

Any serious video game player knows that SC2 will be infinitely better.

Of course you'll never convince console fans of that.

PC = Gaming

Consoles = For girls

Mafia II looks awesome let's just hope the console companies don't steal it as they did with Halo and GTA.

Estepona Apartments


May 20, 2007
I agree that GTAIV is obviously going to sell more overall.

But I also think that a 2008 release for SC2 is unrealistic.

Blizzard always delays their games, because they want their games to be perfect. I don't see SC2 until Mid 2009.

Hope I'm wrong of course, but its Blizzard we are talking about.

As for whats "Bigger", I think that SC2 will probably have a bigger affect on its platform, and will have longer lasting appeal.

Few games today are still compared to games that are ten year old, but games are still compared to Starcraft, it is still the Gold Standard of RTS's. SC2 could easily take the throne of the original, and be influential for years to come, and still be a game that people will compare games to.

GTAIV? In 4 years, people will not compare games to GTAIV, they will compare it to whatever the most recent bad ass Sandbox Vehicular Crime Saga game is.


Oct 5, 2007
@Apartments Estepona

Yeah, I'm cautiously pumped about Mafia II. I'm a little concerned about the cross-platform release. I'd really like a game that was not dumbed-down for the console 'tards and please God, no lame-O console interface please.

The screenies make it look like it will be another hardware punisher, like the original Mafia. I suspect that it will have to be trimmed to run on the consoles - again, like the original.

The original Mafia, for those that have not played it, was a real gem. It had some of the best unscripted action ever. Generally, the best stuff happened when you were on a mission and your plans all went to hell. I remember this one unscripted, incredibly explosive firefight that broke out in an intersection on the east end. I wound up getting away and hiding long enough for the cops to back off. Then I walk out from my hiding place - and this is a few blocks away from the scene of the fight - and a tire that had been blown off of one of the vehicles in the firefight, comes slowly rolling down the street until it hits a curb and flops over. Poetry.


Dec 31, 2007
I will buy SC2 ASAP. I would buy GTA4 ASAP as well, IF they'd sell it to me on my PC. Since they won't, they lose, because I'm not getting a PS3 or a 360 just for that.


Feb 22, 2008
Just for the record, StarCraft shouldn't be considered the "Godfather of RTS."

Scroll down to "Dune II." According to IGN's research, THAT'S the game that every modern RTS was modelled after.

But anyway, like Chazwuzzer I'm way more excited about Mafia II than GTA4 or SC2. Not to mention the next Fallout.

Hell, just to celebrate I'm actually building a new rig when Empire: Total War is released. I couldn't give two sh*ts about StarCraft or GTA when compared to the likes of the Total War series. :whistle:


Feb 20, 2008
Mafia also had the best plot I've experienced in any game. 10 for story. The voice acting was top notch also.

You're right about the high system requirements. Mafia 2 looks like it's going to require some serious hardware.

I hope they include some kind of economy and more things to purchase stuff this time around.

Estepona Apartments


Oct 21, 2002
If you want to talk about numbers the game that is going to sell more is no brainer. Starcraft’s release will probably be limited to the PC where as GTA 4 will be a multiplatform release coming out on the PS3 and 360 first then on the PC by October. So if you’re asking what will be the bigger game implies purely sales numbers then it’s a pretty daft question to ask.

Personally I like both franchises, I will no doubt buy both games when they are eventually released.


- First of all, theres a huge difference between the 2 in that SC2 is MADE for PC gaming and always has been. Whereas GTA has always been console. Even now GTAIV is aimed at PS3 more than PC.

- Then you cant really compare these two games. They are so different. Not the same idea, aim, context, ambience or feeling. So no you cant really.

- So down to the questions:
- What will be the bigger 2008 release: The long awaited sequel for the godfather of the RTS, or sales juggernaut from Rockstar? Which game do you think will be bigger?
* On PC, its a toughy. Not so much because of the people the games are aimed at (from previous answers) but because its true; to the immediate general public, GTA is the winner, the one the guy that just wants a game, if he had the choice between these two, would buy. The one the kid will want. The most appealing JUMP OUT IN YOUR FACE one. PLUS the massive publicity by Rockstar.
BUT to anyone that knows their PC games i think SC2 is the most appealing. Just knowing Blizzard and the quality of their games makes me wanna buy it.

- Which would you rather play? Which would you rather BUY?
* I'm obviously going to play the one i buy. I'm not even a BIG fan of both but i'd definetely buy both of them. If i HAD TO CHOOSE i'd get GTA first, simply because of its mass appeal and seeing as ive completed every single one of them. But so could say a SC fan!

- Verdict: GTA will have the biggest sales. SC2 is the better PC gamer choice. But both are MUST BUYS!

Thank you for taking your time in reading this,
Soul Reaper 13


Mar 21, 2008

Playing video games all day = For girls


Jul 11, 2006

Or for guys who want some time away from the wife. :)