Old CPU story from work. Still laugh..


Nov 20, 2006
The old Z80 CPUs were DIP packaged. Dual Inline Pins. There were 20 or so very sharp pins on each side of the rectangular chip. My boss came storming up one day and ranting about something or other. As we were not paying much attention to him, he slammed his fist down on the workbench. There was now a Z80 cpu firmly embedded into the side of his hand. He was angry, then puzzled, then in pain. He looked at the chip in his hand like "Where did THAT come from?". We are all cracking up and rolling around in our chairs. What did us in was when he asked for a "tweaker" little screwdriver to remove the chip. 6 of us rolled over to offer ours. He grabbed one and carefully pryed first one end out and then the other (the proper technique to remove from a socket), handed back the CPU and the tweaker, said "never mind" and broke up laughing with the rest of us.


Oct 17, 2006
LOL thats story is awsome. The funnies thing that happened to me is i managed to stick a power cable from my psu into the auxillary sound of my cdrom and caught the pc on fire.... But that was a long time ago.


Dec 23, 2005
The old Z80 CPUs were DIP packaged. Dual Inline Pins. There were 20 or so very sharp pins on each side of the rectangular chip. My boss came storming up one day and ranting about something or other. As we were not paying much attention to him, he slammed his fist down on the workbench. There was now a Z80 cpu firmly embedded into the side of his hand. He was angry, then puzzled, then in pain. He looked at the chip in his hand like "Where did THAT come from?". We are all cracking up and rolling around in our chairs. What did us in was when he asked for a "tweaker" little screwdriver to remove the chip. 6 of us rolled over to offer ours. He grabbed one and carefully pryed first one end out and then the other (the proper technique to remove from a socket), handed back the CPU and the tweaker, said "never mind" and broke up laughing with the rest of us.

Thats Classic man.

Good story.


Aug 8, 2006
Yeah, I managed to somehow plug the a power cable into the jumper pins on my first PC build. So much for that brand new 800MB Seagate! It also caught fire.


Sep 7, 2006
When I was at technical school, we used to quickly slip DIP packages (various different chips... usually 555 timer chips!) upside down on people's seats just as they were sitting down... With usually hilarious consequences.

Also "soldering iron sit-outs" when we'd each grab a soldering iron in our hands and switch them on at the same time. The last one to let go wins. :) Man... that can hurt!

Another thing was to use a Farad Winder (this thing could "wind up" some serious DC voltage!!!) and then discharge it on an unsuspecting persons ear with a crocodile clip... Been gotten by this myself sometimes... Man that hurts!