What Happened to Toms Guide?

Seriously, who's idea was it to change the page layout? There is SO much screen real estate wasted. The right hand side "Recent Articles" need to be made smaller (horizontally).

Also, no comments section? Really?
(I'm assuming this may have some thing to do with the spamming, in which case it makes sense).

When I said "keep it as is" I was referring to the current state. When I originally saw it, there was a section called "Recent Articles" on the right side of the screen that took 1/4-1/3 of the screen. This was annoying.
Looks like Toms guide now has the full update. This is what I'm talking about:

This is on a laptop btw. On my desktop @ 1920*1080 or higher it wouldn't matter. But for a netbook/laptop this is a problem.

Link: http://www.tomsguide.com/us/levytator-curved-escalator-system,news-8153.html
See, no comments section! I'm not crazy I tell you!