Refurbished ASUS? Worth it or waste?



Hello, I live in Canada and Asus here are hard to find and very expensive. I've found one that is the U81A model, but it's refurbished and discounted. It's from

Anyway, I was wondering if it's good to buy refurbished laptops or not...
the other options I have are HP, Acer laptops which aren't as good and pricey too. I'm a student and completely new at buying computers.

Should I buy the refurbished ASUS? seems to be located around Toronto - if you can visit one of their locations, you will get a better feel for the company.

I strongly recommend that you request them to demo your intended purchase before your purchase. Usually, these types of outfits do not refund your money, or replace the merchandise, after the sale. does not do the refurbishing, someone else does it. Any product if properly refurbished can be as good as new, but the trick is to do the refurbishing right.

Check out the product before you buy!