88 degres for core duo 6600


Dec 2, 2006

this night i have let my comp on, running dual orthos, to test my core duo slightly o/ced to 2700 mhz at 1.2750, actually im trying to find the max fsb stable with my evga 680 with lowest voltages for all components of the mb..when i woke up, i went to see if my comp didnt crash and on last beta everest ultimate edition i read 88 degre for processor, but only 41 degre for first core and 40 degre for second core, plus the 88 degre didnt change when i turned off orthos.. i think its a bug but anyone else already had this sort of bug ? im pretty sure its impossible for my cpu to have reached so high temp.. cause even at 3.2 at 1.4375 i never hitted 58degre+ with a 12 hours run dual orthos and i was checking temps all the time... weird !


Dec 18, 2006
I would dismiss it as a bug. I woke up one morning after running Orthos all night to a 193C MB temp displayed on my ASUS Probe screen. Everest and Speed Fan just left it blank. I stuck my hand in ny case half expecting to pull it out as a charred mess, but it was fine. Too bad, I could have baked some muffins in there if it were nearly 400F.

So, it's a glitch. Just keep an eye on it.



Nov 30, 2006
Sorry for the threadcromancy here, but I spotted this and thought I'd add that I had almost the exact same experience as the OP, left Orthos blend running 4-5 hours on my e6400 @ 3.0ghz and when I came back Core Temp was reading 45ish for both cores but Speedfan was saying 88C. ATI Tray Tools was reading 95C for max recorded CPU temp! I know both are essentially impossible, and Core Temp is meant to be the best to trust, but when two programs measure ridiculously high temps you start to worry a bit!