Modify HKCUSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentversionPolicyExp..



Archived from groups: microsoft.public.win2000.group_policy (More info?)

I am in a windows 2003 and XP enviroment and I am trying to add two Dword
values for all the restrict users under
However, by default, only administrators have write permission to the
location and logon script (batch file insert reg keys) only works for
administrators and will not work for restrict users or power users.
To make the logon script work, I need to change the default permission on
I read some KB articles on "regini.exe". It appears I need to provide SIDs
for all the users. Is there a wild card I can use?
Can I accomplish the task with GPO?
Can I change premission on certain reg hives on local machines and when new
HKEY_Current_user is created, it inherate the permission from predefined

Thanks in advance


Archived from groups: microsoft.public.win2000.group_policy (More info?)

Hi Spring

What are the specific DWORDs you are attempting to write?

Kind regards
Mark Renoden [MSFT]
Windows Platform Support Team

Please note you'll need to strip ".online" from my email address to email
me; I'll post a response back to the group.

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

"Spring" <> wrote in message
> Hello,
> I am in a windows 2003 and XP enviroment and I am trying to add two Dword
> values for all the restrict users under
> HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policy\Explorer
> However, by default, only administrators have write permission to the
> location and logon script (batch file insert reg keys) only works for
> administrators and will not work for restrict users or power users.
> To make the logon script work, I need to change the default permission on
> HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policy\Explorer
> I read some KB articles on "regini.exe". It appears I need to provide SIDs
> for all the users. Is there a wild card I can use?
> Or
> Can I accomplish the task with GPO?
> Or
> Can I change premission on certain reg hives on local machines and when
> new
> HKEY_Current_user is created, it inherate the permission from predefined
> template?
> Thanks in advance


Archived from groups: microsoft.public.win2000.group_policy (More info?)

Hi Spring

"NoRun" can be applied using policy under

User Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Start Menu and
Taskbar -> Remove Run menu from Start menu

I can't see "NoFileURL" in any of the standard .ADM files. Your best bet is
probably to create a custom .ADM file for "NoFileURL" and add it to a policy
that then enforces both "NoFileURL" and "NoRun" on the appropriate OU of

Kind regards
Mark Renoden [MSFT]
Windows Platform Support Team

Please note you'll need to strip ".online" from my email address to email
me; I'll post a response back to the group.

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

"Mark Renoden [MSFT]" <> wrote in message
> Hi Spring
> What are the specific DWORDs you are attempting to write?
> Kind regards
> --
> Mark Renoden [MSFT]
> Windows Platform Support Team
> Email:
> Please note you'll need to strip ".online" from my email address to email
> me; I'll post a response back to the group.
> This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no
> rights.
> "Spring" <> wrote in message
>> Hello,
>> I am in a windows 2003 and XP enviroment and I am trying to add two Dword
>> values for all the restrict users under
>> HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policy\Explorer
>> However, by default, only administrators have write permission to the
>> location and logon script (batch file insert reg keys) only works for
>> administrators and will not work for restrict users or power users.
>> To make the logon script work, I need to change the default permission on
>> HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policy\Explorer
>> I read some KB articles on "regini.exe". It appears I need to provide
>> SIDs
>> for all the users. Is there a wild card I can use?
>> Or
>> Can I accomplish the task with GPO?
>> Or
>> Can I change premission on certain reg hives on local machines and when
>> new
>> HKEY_Current_user is created, it inherate the permission from predefined
>> template?
>> Thanks in advance