PNY or Centon


Feb 9, 2006
Hey don't laugh!!!

I got some Centon memory last year that was infineon(aeneon) rated at DDR2-533 that easily goes to DDR2-800. What do we know about the PNY stuff. Compusa has dual 2 gig kits for $180-$20 rebate of DDR2-5300(667) Last week they had 512 Centon and I bought 2 seperate sticks the cost was $60-$30 rebate each.

Final cost
$160 for 2 gig 2 channel kit PNY
$60 for 1 Gig 2 channel Centon unmatched pair

The dilemma is that I saw a site that gave the sweetspot for Vista at 1 GB even in demanding games. The 1 Gig config beat, tied, or the diff was negligible to the 2 Gig config. This will be a E4300 machine and my goal is to OC it to 333(3.0 Ghz) any thing else is gravy. Would I like to get to 366(3.3 Ghz) or 400(3.6Ghz=100% OC) The plan is to use this maching for games and general purpose surfing. The games I play are RTS's. The most demanding will be Supreme commanded and I will get Crysis when it arrives. FarCry was outstanding. I have a spare ASUS p5dg2-ws pro I will use or I may sell it and get the Asus P5B Deluxe. The unknown is PNY memory. How much gravy can I get with PNY over Centon ? I have not seen any benches on PNY memory.
