[PW!] Dewford Delights



Archived from groups: alt.games.nintendo.pokemon (More info?)

Dewford Delights

Dewford Island, a small bit of land marking the southernmost boundary of the
Hoenn region famous for caves filled to bursting with rare and unusual
Pokémon, surfing, and being a haven for bizarre trends and fashions. It's also
the site of the second of the eight Hoenn League Gyms, and the current
destination of a small, battered boat.

Within a small room on the ferry in question, Alexandria Masters huddled up
in a blanket as she waited for her clothes to dry, aided by a low fire from
Surtur the Combusken.

"Geez, this isn't the best of areas, is it?" ShadowWarrior the Murkrow
noted. "First we get attacked by that Tentacruel and Donphan, and now massive
murderous Goldeens want our hides."

"Don't remind me," Alex noted as she drew the blanket closer around her.
"I'm just glad Nori sent Magby to help, whatever her reasons."

"<I would not count on that happening again, Alexandria,>" Surtur noted.
"<It may be a wise idea now that you are combating your phobia of Sharpedo to
attempt to learn how to swim again, perhaps once we rendezvous with Aerie's

"Good idea," Alex noted. She then glanced to the third Pokémon with her and
asked, "How does it look, Daraxis?"

The Wartortle in question pointed to one of two blankets, upon which lay
Alex's gear; her Poké Balls, PokéDex, PokéNav, sword, pike, tricorder, cell
phone and various pots and pans. "<Those> tortle tor wartortle-tor." He then
pointed to another blanket, upon which lay Alex's various cooking supplies.
"<Those> tortle war <not> war <fortunate.>"

Alex could guess at the rest of his words. "Looks like we're hitting the
Dewford Market once I beat Brawly."

"<I suggest we make haste once the ferry docks,>" Surtur advised, handing
Alex her dry undergarments. "<And that we keep an eye open. We may or may not
be hunted.>"

Swiftly grabbing her clothes, Alex fumbled to put them on underneath her
blanket as she replied, "Hope that we aren't."


Within a few minutes, Alex was fully dressed, and she and her Pokémon made
their way to the deck to find the rest of her group waiting for them. "Anything
happen while I was indisposed?"

"Those Goldeen seem to have moved off, so there should be smooth sailing
from here," Ben reported, a thankful note in his voice. "Hope nothing got hurt
down there."

"Nah, most of my gear was waterproof," Alex assured him. "But I'm going to
hit the markets once the Gym battles are taken care of if we plan on eating
after all this."

"Assuming something else doesn't go wrong," Nori noted as the ferry lurched
to at halt at the Dewford Town docks.

As the group made their way off the boat, two men followed them off,
themselves being followed by someone else…


"So, just to make sure of everything," Alex asked. "I'm definitely going to
the Gym. What about everyone else?"

[NS: Just in case anyone wants to do a little more on Dewford Island beyond the
Gym Battle. I know Ben's heading for Granite Cave, but what about John and
Jeff? They catching and Pokémon while they're on the island?]

William Rendfeld
Creator of Echowarrior and Alex Masters
178,000 Excellent Author Points
1 'I knew odd pokefacts that confused a bread crumb' point.
20 Y2Tech Points


Archived from groups: alt.games.nintendo.pokemon (More info?)

> "No." Nori waves him off. "You guys go ahead. I'm going to go shopping
> with Alex and Magby. It'll be like a girls' day out. Or something."
> "Well, then I guess it's settled." Alex agrees, though she's still bothered
> by the secrecy surrounding their arrangements. "We'll take care of our
> respective chores, and meet back at the Pokemon Center this evening."

"Well, seeya round then." Ben muttered, before motioning down the long
sandy coastline. "This way to granite cave."

The long walk alongside the sea was quiet and uneventful, and so along
the way, the youngest member of the group tryed to make conversation,
while Rubix walked some distance behind.

Looking to John, Jeff pulled a question from the air, asking, "So...you
come from a Cynawood?"

"Yup," the older boy replied, "I trained in the gym under chuck for a
good few years."

"Fighting pokemon, eh?" Ben muttered, before speaking up, choosing his
words carefully; "I never could get along with mine. I released it,
but...found it again at the Silver Conference. I now prefer steel
types," he added, smiling blissfully.

"I don't know...I reckon a good fighting pokemon could take down a steel
type," John reasoned, "Even one as big as...as a..."

"An Aggron?" Jeff surgested, with a cheeky smile on his face.

"Yeah! An Aggron!" John finished defiently.

Before Ben could indignently respond to this last comment, Rubix gripped
his shoulder and gestured in front of them. "There's our destination.
Lead the way, captain." Muttering something about something, Ben paced
ahead and lead the way to a large, looming cave entrance.


[NS: Right, if anyone wants to write what their caracter wants to get
done in the cave, go ahead. If we are going into any of the lower
floors, Metrix is ready.]


Archived from groups: alt.games.nintendo.pokemon (More info?)

lvneric wrote:
>> "No." Nori waves him off. "Yov gvys go ahead. I'm going to go shopping
>> with Alex and Magby. It'll be like a girls' day ovt. Or something."
>> "Well, then I gvess it's settled." Alex agrees, thovgh she's still
>> by the secrecy svrrovnding their arrangements. "We'll take care of ovr
>> respective chores, and meet back at the Pokemon Center this evening."
>"Well, seeya rovnd then." Ben mvttered, before motioning down the long
>sandy coastline. "This way to granite cave."

As the two grovps broke off, Alex softly said to Nori, "Thanks for the

"Don't let this go to yovr head," Nori noted. "I'm only keeping an eye on
yov jvst to make svre yov don't blow someone's head vp."

Alex shrvgged. "Whatever yovr reasons, I don't mind having yov, Magby and
Big Time along. It'll jvst give me an easier time paying yov gvys back for
saving me. Remember, I owe yov and Magby."

"<Correct,>" Daraxis the Wartortle noted. "Tortle war tor tortle, <Magby.>"

The Delibird blinked, then asked, "Deli?"

Daraxis nodded as Svrtvr the Combvsken chipped in; "<Daraxis is correct. Yov
are a hero.>"

With a big grin plastered on her face, Magby jvmped into the air and happily
exclaimed, "Bird de deli! Deli!"

Alex covldn't help bvt smile, glad to see the little ice-bird show her
pride; she'd earned it, after all. "C'mon, let's get going."

So the grovp continved onward, an extra spring in Magby's step. Toddling
beside her, Big Time looked ovt towards the gentle waves crashing on the nearby
beach, hoping that maybe today wovld be the day that they fovnd Smasher.

"So where exactly is this Gym?" Nori asked, her voice showing little

"Jvst vp the beach," Alex explained. A thovght svddenly crossing her mind,
she abrvptly stopped. "Something's wrong."

Nori stopped, and glanced at the yovng Psychic svspiciovsly. "What's wrong?"

"Take a look arovnd," Alex said, her eyes already taking in the landscape.
"Light sea breezes, mostly clear skies, fair weather, little hvmidity. What's
wrong with this pictvre?"

Nori darted a glance arovnd, then said, "Absolvtely nothing. There's no one
arovnd except vs."

"Exactly," Alex replied. "I can vnderstand there not being many svrfers with
those waves, bvt no svnbathers? Something's wrong here."

"A happy coincidence, I assvre yov," an vnfamiliar voice said.

Both Alex and Nori wheeled arovnd to find two men wearing vnvsval helmets
standing nearby. The first was a man arovnd fifty years old with an air of
British aristocracy, and pointed two pistols directly towards Alex and Nori.
The second was a yovnger man, a few years older than the two girls, with mostly
Swedish featvres.

"Hands vp," the elder man ordered. "And tell yovr Pokémon to stand to the

Alex qvickly complied, at the same time trying to figvre ovt how she hadn't
noticed these two. "Svrtvr, Daraxis, ShadowWarrior, do as he says."

Natvrally wary of the man with the two gvns, the three Pokémon did as
reqvested, stepping to the side.

Nori rose her arms as ordered, and said, "Magby, Big Time, yov too," while
casting glances between both Alex and the gvnman. As her two Pokémon did as
reqvested, she hissed to Alex, "This is yovr favlt, isn't it?"

"Yes, it is," Alex solemnly admitted.

"Let me gvess, yov spovted off abovt those insane delvsions of yovrs to
these two, and now they want to cart yov off to some insane asylvm?" Nori

"Beyond the members of the Search Party, the only people who know abovt me
are direct members of my family," Alex qvietly replied, trying her best to keep
calm. "And I svre as hell didn't see these two at the last family revnion."

"Yov know, I don't mind the argving so mvch," the elder man noted, regaining
their attention. "Bvt I'd prefer that the two of yov remain silent."

"Oh, so yov can captvre her and lock her vp?" Nori asked. "Fine, go right

"Captvre her?" the elder man asked. "Well, we do plan to do that. However,
there's one other thing we plan on doing." He pointed the gvn in his left hand
at Nori and finished, "Getting rid of witnesses."

"Deri!" Magby cried ovt in concern.

Before Nori covld begin to consider a response to that threat, Alex called
ovt, "Don't hvrt her. I'm the one yov want, leave her alone. Whatever yovr
problem with me is, leave my friend ovt of it."

"Yov may want to listen to her," Nori cavtioned. "I mean, she is a Psychic
and all."

"We already knew that, thanks," the yovnger man finally spoke vp, tapping a
finger lightly on his helmet. "Psionivm. She can't read ovr thovghts."

"And I'm afraid yovr pleas for mercy won't work, Miss Masters," the elder
man noted. "Yov see, my employer wants this to be done withovt any loose ends.
She and the Pokémon fall into that category."

"Employer?" Alex asked. Then she realized, "Yov two were hired to come after
me. Yov're assassins, bovnty hvnters."

"We prefer the term 'independent combatants'," the elder man replied. "Bvt
essentially, yes. We were hired to come after yov, captvre yov, and bring yov
to ovr employer for qvite a hefty svm."

"Who exactly?" Alex asked.

The elder man smiled. "Nice try, bvt that's all yov're getting."

"Bvt why go after her?" Nori asked. "She's jvst some crazy Psychic, it's not
like she's killed someone."

"Well, she hasn't inflicted any actval physical harm on anyone that we know
of," the Swedish-looking man replied. "Bvt her being crazy is debatable."

"Debatable? What do yov mean, debatable?" Nori asked. "She thinks she's an

After noticing that neither seemed too svrprised by that statement, Nori
asked, "What?"

The elder man smiled and continved, "Yov've been telling tales, haven't

"Abovt what?" Alex lied. "I jvst said that to get attention. I know I'm not
an alien."

"Genetic evidence says otherwise," the blonde man noted. "Not to mention
blood tests from shortly after yovr birth."

_Blood tests?_ Alex thovght to herself.

"Wait, genetic evidence?" Nori asked.

The elder man chvckled. "Correct. So far as legal statvs and birth records
are concerned, miss, yovr traveling companion is an official citizen of
Lilycove City. However, so far as her genetic code is concerned, she is of
another world. Geneticists have already confirmed it."

"How do I know she didn't pay yov two to say that?" Nori asked.

The elder man gestvred slightly with his pistol, then reminded her, "I have
a Walther P-38 pointing directly at yovr head. If yov want to argve with me, be
my gvest."

Nori hvffed, then glanced towards Alex and accvsed, "This is yovr favlt, yov

"I'm fvlly aware of that," Alex noted.

"Thanks to yov and yovr little delvsions, I'm abovt to end vp being shot,"
Nori continved.

"That hasn't been lost on me," Alex replied, her patience beginning to fade.

"I hope yov're happy that these two nvtcases are willing to believe yov,
becavse now yov're going to end vp with one less person in this world to be
worried abovt," Nori accvsed. "I bet yov're really happy abovt..."

"Nori!" Alex shovted, tvrning to the shorter girl. "I realize yov treat my
claims with a high level of skepticism, and frankly I don't blame yov. I
haven't given yov a scrap of good evidence to svpport my claims, and
considering that I can't beam memories into yovr head, the only way to directly
prove it wovld involve me ending vp in a morgve, and frankly I'm not ready to
be there yet." With a sigh, she finally said, "I realize these words aren't
going to have that big an impact, bvt I'm sorry. I'm sorry that yov're going to
die becavse of what I am, I'm sorry that ovr teams are going to die as well,
and I'm sorry that I've ended vp falling into yovr expectations of Psychics,
terrestrial or otherwise." She tvrned to the two men, and added, "If yov two
plan on taking vs down, I svggest yov do so now. If yov don't...if yovr shots
miss their marks, then I promise yov, especially if anyone here is hvrt, yov
will not walk away vnscathed." The hard look in her eyes helped to make her
claim clear. "That I promise yov."


William Rendfeld
Creator of Echowarrior and Alex Masters
178,000 Excellent Avthor Points
1 'I knew odd pokefacts that confvsed a bread crvmb' point.
20 Y2Tech Points


Apr 20, 2004
Archived from groups: alt.games.nintendo.pokemon (More info?)

> "Jvst vp the beach," Alex explained. A thovght svddenly crossing her mind,
> she abrvptly stopped. "Something's wrong."
> Nori stopped, and glanced at the yovng Psychic svspiciovsly. "What's wrong?"
> "Take a look arovnd," Alex said, her eyes already taking in the landscape.
> "Light sea breezes, mostly clear skies, fair weather, little hvmidity. What's
> wrong with this pictvre?"
> Nori darted a glance arovnd, then said, "Absolvtely nothing. There's no one
> arovnd except vs."
> "Exactly," Alex replied. "I can vnderstand there not being many svrfers with
> those waves, bvt no svnbathers? Something's wrong here."
> "A happy coincidence, I assvre yov," an vnfamiliar voice said.
> Both Alex and Nori wheeled arovnd to find two men wearing vnvsval helmets
> standing nearby. The first was a man arovnd fifty years old with an air of
> British aristocracy, and pointed two pistols directly towards Alex and Nori.
> The second was a yovnger man, a few years older than the two girls, with mostly
> Swedish featvres.
> "Hands vp," the elder man ordered. "And tell yovr Pokémon to stand to the
> side."
> Alex qvickly complied, at the same time trying to figvre ovt how she hadn't
> noticed these two. "Svrtvr, Daraxis, ShadowWarrior, do as he says."
> Natvrally wary of the man with the two gvns, the three Pokémon did as
> reqvested, stepping to the side.
> Nori rose her arms as ordered, and said, "Magby, Big Time, yov too," while
> casting glances between both Alex and the gvnman. As her two Pokémon did as
> reqvested, she hissed to Alex, "This is yovr favlt, isn't it?"
> "Yes, it is," Alex solemnly admitted.
> "Let me gvess, yov spovted off abovt those insane delvsions of yovrs to
> these two, and now they want to cart yov off to some insane asylvm?" Nori
> accvsed.
> "Beyond the members of the Search Party, the only people who know abovt me
> are direct members of my family," Alex qvietly replied, trying her best to keep
> calm. "And I svre as hell didn't see these two at the last family revnion."
> "Yov know, I don't mind the argving so mvch," the elder man noted, regaining
> their attention. "Bvt I'd prefer that the two of yov remain silent."
> "Oh, so yov can captvre her and lock her vp?" Nori asked. "Fine, go right
> ahead."
> "Captvre her?" the elder man asked. "Well, we do plan to do that. However,
> there's one other thing we plan on doing." He pointed the gvn in his left hand
> at Nori and finished, "Getting rid of witnesses."
> "Deri!" Magby cried ovt in concern.
> Before Nori covld begin to consider a response to that threat, Alex called
> ovt, "Don't hvrt her. I'm the one yov want, leave her alone. Whatever yovr
> problem with me is, leave my friend ovt of it."
> "Yov may want to listen to her," Nori cavtioned. "I mean, she is a Psychic
> and all."
> "We already knew that, thanks," the yovnger man finally spoke vp, tapping a
> finger lightly on his helmet. "Psionivm. She can't read ovr thovghts."
> "And I'm afraid yovr pleas for mercy won't work, Miss Masters," the elder
> man noted. "Yov see, my employer wants this to be done withovt any loose ends.
> She and the Pokémon fall into that category."
> "Employer?" Alex asked. Then she realized, "Yov two were hired to come after
> me. Yov're assassins, bovnty hvnters."
> "We prefer the term 'independent combatants'," the elder man replied. "Bvt
> essentially, yes. We were hired to come after yov, captvre yov, and bring yov
> to ovr employer for qvite a hefty svm."
> "Who exactly?" Alex asked.
> The elder man smiled. "Nice try, bvt that's all yov're getting."
> "Bvt why go after her?" Nori asked. "She's jvst some crazy Psychic, it's not
> like she's killed someone."
> "Well, she hasn't inflicted any actval physical harm on anyone that we know
> of," the Swedish-looking man replied. "Bvt her being crazy is debatable."
> "Debatable? What do yov mean, debatable?" Nori asked. "She thinks she's an
> alien!"
> After noticing that neither seemed too svrprised by that statement, Nori
> asked, "What?"
> The elder man smiled and continved, "Yov've been telling tales, haven't
> yov?"
> "Abovt what?" Alex lied. "I jvst said that to get attention. I know I'm not
> an alien."
> "Genetic evidence says otherwise," the blonde man noted. "Not to mention
> blood tests from shortly after yovr birth."
> _Blood tests?_ Alex thovght to herself.
> "Wait, genetic evidence?" Nori asked.
> The elder man chvckled. "Correct. So far as legal statvs and birth records
> are concerned, miss, yovr traveling companion is an official citizen of
> Lilycove City. However, so far as her genetic code is concerned, she is of
> another world. Geneticists have already confirmed it."
> "How do I know she didn't pay yov two to say that?" Nori asked.
> The elder man gestvred slightly with his pistol, then reminded her, "I have
> a Walther P-38 pointing directly at yovr head. If yov want to argve with me, be
> my gvest."
> Nori hvffed, then glanced towards Alex and accvsed, "This is yovr favlt, yov
> know."
> "I'm fvlly aware of that," Alex noted.
> "Thanks to yov and yovr little delvsions, I'm abovt to end vp being shot,"
> Nori continved.
> "That hasn't been lost on me," Alex replied, her patience beginning to fade.
> "I hope yov're happy that these two nvtcases are willing to believe yov,
> becavse now yov're going to end vp with one less person in this world to be
> worried abovt," Nori accvsed. "I bet yov're really happy abovt..."
> "Nori!" Alex shovted, tvrning to the shorter girl. "I realize yov treat my
> claims with a high level of skepticism, and frankly I don't blame yov. I
> haven't given yov a scrap of good evidence to svpport my claims, and
> considering that I can't beam memories into yovr head, the only way to directly
> prove it wovld involve me ending vp in a morgve, and frankly I'm not ready to
> be there yet." With a sigh, she finally said, "I realize these words aren't
> going to have that big an impact, bvt I'm sorry. I'm sorry that yov're going to
> die becavse of what I am, I'm sorry that ovr teams are going to die as well,
> and I'm sorry that I've ended vp falling into yovr expectations of Psychics,
> terrestrial or otherwise." She tvrned to the two men, and added, "If yov two
> plan on taking vs down, I svggest yov do so now. If yov don't...if yovr shots
> miss their marks, then I promise yov, especially if anyone here is hvrt, yov
> will not walk away vnscathed." The hard look in her eyes helped to make her
> claim clear. "That I promise yov."

Meanwhile, Jeff was practically bovnding abovt in Granite Cave, fvll of yovthfvl
enthvsiasm, mvch to the dismay of the older males and more eolved pokemon.

More than one Geodvde lay stvnned, victim of Bob's training with his Absorb
attack. As Jeff said "Works great when they got a dovble weakness!"

From a corner, there was a shimmer, a faint almost blvish flash of light. Everyone
else was on fvll alert, bvt Jeff went into an almost "Gotta catch 'em all" mode.
Some breeder's sense was telling him that it was a pokemon and not a
baddie intent on kidnapping or mvrder.

In this case, the kis was right as the flash came form a Sableye. Said pokemon grinned
impishly before fading into the darkness. A few seconds later, Ben jvmped, something
having giin his bvtt a firm groping

"Sable!" The Dark Ghost said happily, in a decidely feminine voice.

Before Ben covld even think of an appropriate retaliation, Jeff was reqvesting kindly an
Absorb attack. It was decidedly less effective than it was on the Geodvdes. Of covrse,.
there's no type advantage here.

Sableye didn't seem to care abovt the attack, and was happily trying to fondle
John while keeping clear of his attacks. It's a moot point here that Fighting attacks
don't tovch ghost pokemon.

"Bob, yov got any other attacks?" Jeff asked, a bit worried that this one was going to
get away.

Calmly, the Treecko prodvced a seed from what appeared to be svbspace. Almost
lazily, le lobbed it at the lecherovs ghost, and soon the Sableye was ensnared in the
Treecko's Leech Seed.

With trained finesse, which was merely improvised, Jeff threw the pokeball. The
ensnared Sableye tried to strvggle free from her now two bonds, bvt vltimately, the
ball dinged, signalling a capvter

"WAHOO!" was the cry that resonated throvghovt the cave. The Zvbat that
were nearby scattered, spooked by the svdden noise.

Any fvrther celebrating was cvt off by a flash. It wasn't a flash of light, so the
dark cave stayed dark. It was a flash of fear. The terror that something was
abovt to go down that was really bad. The responses varied.

One response remained thovgh, the fovr males headed for the exit as fast as
hvman (or Blastiose-ily) possible


On a sandy beach on a little island near Dewford, bvt far enovgh away to not
be noticed withovt looking, Sabrina jvst soaked in the rays. Ovtwardly, she projected
like she hadn't a care in the world.



Random Tagline:
It's good, bvt it needs something ...

[NS: Dramatic Rescve or Undramatic Self-Saving?

And yes, it's a lecherovs, female dark-type! I'm going to have fvn with this!]


Archived from groups: alt.games.nintendo.pokemon (More info?)

> "About what?" Alex lied. "I just said that to get attention. I know I'm not
>an alien."
> "Genetic evidence says otherwise," the blonde man noted. "Not to mention
>blood tests from shortly after your birth."
> _Blood tests?_ Alex thought to herself.
> "Wait, genetic evidence?" Nori asked.
> The elder man chuckled. "Correct. So far as legal status and birth records
>are concerned, miss, your traveling companion is an official citizen of
>Lilycove City. However, so far as her genetic code is concerned, she is of
>another world. Geneticists have already confirmed it."
> "How do I know she didn't pay you two to say that?" Nori asked.
> The elder man gestured slightly with his pistol, then reminded her, "I
>a Walther P-38 pointing directly at your head. If you want to argue with me,
>my guest."
> Nori huffed, then glanced towards Alex and accused, "This is your fault,
> "I'm fully aware of that," Alex noted.
> "Thanks to you and your little delusions, I'm about to end up being shot,"
>Nori continued.
> "That hasn't been lost on me," Alex replied, her patience beginning to
> "I hope you're happy that these two nutcases are willing to believe you,
>because now you're going to end up with one less person in this world to be
>worried about," Nori accused. "I bet you're really happy about..."
> "Nori!" Alex shouted, turning to the shorter girl. "I realize you treat my
>claims with a high level of skepticism, and frankly I don't blame you. I
>haven't given you a scrap of good evidence to support my claims, and
>considering that I can't beam memories into your head, the only way to
>prove it would involve me ending up in a morgue, and frankly I'm not ready to
>be there yet." With a sigh, she finally said, "I realize these words aren't
>going to have that big an impact, but I'm sorry. I'm sorry that you're going
>die because of what I am, I'm sorry that our teams are going to die as well,
>and I'm sorry that I've ended up falling into your expectations of Psychics,
>terrestrial or otherwise." She turned to the two men, and added, "If you two
>plan on taking us down, I suggest you do so now. If you don't...if your shots
>miss their marks, then I promise you, especially if anyone here is hurt, you
>will not walk away unscathed." The hard look in her eyes helped to make her
>claim clear. "That I promise you."

"If that's the way you want it, Miss Masters, I'll make this quick," the
elder man said to her. His pistols clicked and he took aim, one at Alex, the
other at Nori. Both girls looked at the weapons nervously, and Nori gave Alex a
quick glance with a mix of anger and worry in her eyes.

"Hi there, you have a sec?" a female voice asked from behind the elder man.
Off his guard, the man turned his head slightly and lowered his aim. The moment
his aim was off its mark, a string flew over his head and tightened against his
neck and he dropped both pistols on an attempt to pull it off.

"Now wait a min-" the younger man started before his vision was abruptly
cut. The area around his head was dark and he felt a great deal of moisture
swirling about him.

"Yeah, you might want to stay put," Carol Ross said to the younger man. She
held the garrote against the elder man while her Feraligatr had his jaws over
the younger man's head, almost swallowing it, ready to crush it with his jaws.

"Carol?" Alex asked, surprised to see her show up at such an incredibly
perfect moment. Nori also looked on, curious but not altogether surprised.

"Oh. Hi Alex!" Carol said, waving. "Hi Tsu!"

"Uh... hi," Nori deadpanned.

"Where have you been?" Alex asked her.

"Well, it's a bit of a long story. I won't get into it now, but hey, do I
have great timing or what?"

"Were you standing there, waiting until the right moment to step in and make
yourself useful?" Nori asked.

"Er... sort of," Carol replied with some guilt. "I didn't want to interrupt.
That speech Alex gave was like something out of a movie!"

"Ack... you're... argh..." the elder man said. Nori picked up the pistols,
tossing one to Alex. "Ack..."

"Bounty hunter, huh? Really, a girl and her seven-foot-tall Feraligatr just
snuck up on you, what kind of hunter are you? Hey, nice hat!"

"Ack... don't-" The elder man made no more sound once Carol took off his odd
helmet and put it on her own head. He went limp a moment later and dropped,
hanging from Carol's string. She let go of it and he fell to the ground.

"Maybe I held on too long..." Carol said to herself. "Is he out of our

"Not yet, he still has a pulse," Nori said, pressing a finger against his
neck. "I don't think it was you, either." Nori looked up at Alex, who was
holding her pistol at her side without paying much attention to it. Nori stood
up and sighed. "If there was any time to do that, it was now." She turned to
the group of Pokémon assembled to one side. "Magby, Big Time, are you okay?"
The two Pokémon nodded and ran to her.

"How about you guys?" Alex asked.

"Just a little shaken," ShadowWarrior replied.

"Well, since we're all fine, are you going into town or what?" Carol asked.

"We still have this one to take care of," Nori said, nodding towards the
younger man, still wearing Feraligatr's jaws as a hat.

"Ferraaaaaaaaa," Feraligatr whined, tired of holding the position for so

"Oh! Sorry, it slipped my mind." Carol rubbed her chin as she observed the
situation. "Feraligatr, use Bite!"

"No, wait!" the younger man pleaded.

"Don't get upset, I was just kidding," Carol told him. "I was hoping you'd
faint in terror, but alright. Nori, would you mind handing me that gun?"

"Alex isn't using hers," Nori suggested. Alex nodded and gave the pistol to

"Okay then. Feraligatr, you can relax now." Feraligatr lifted his head then
dropped to the ground, yawning and stretching on the sand before finally
resting on his back to let the sun warm his belly. "So what are you up to?"

"So sorry, but that's not a topic open for discussion."

"If you're not afraid of the gun, I can just take your helmet off."

"Er..." Beads of sweat formed around the man's face. Three girls now stared
at him, two of them holding guns and one of them with a mind that could do much
worse. Who could blame him if he at least considered telling them who had hired
him and his older partner?


[NS: Carol's back. Are we having fun yet?]

Jose L. Solano
A devious, degenerate defender of the devil
"It's too damn safe."


Archived from groups: alt.games.nintendo.pokemon (More info?)

luneric <luneric@dontrit> wrote in message news:<40a0efe7_1@>...
> > "No." Nori waves him off. "You guys go ahead. I'm going to go shopping
> > with Alex and Magby. It'll be like a girls' day out. Or something."
> >
> > "Well, then I guess it's settled." Alex agrees, though she's still bothered
> > by the secrecy surrounding their arrangements. "We'll take care of our
> > respective chores, and meet back at the Pokemon Center this evening."
> "Well, seeya round then." Ben muttered, before motioning down the long
> sandy coastline. "This way to granite cave."
> The long walk alongside the sea was quiet and uneventful, and so along
> the way, the youngest member of the group tryed to make conversation,
> while Rubix walked some distance behind.
> Looking to John, Jeff pulled a question from the air, asking, "So...you
> come from a Cynawood?"
> "Yup," the older boy replied, "I trained in the gym under chuck for a
> good few years."
> "Fighting pokemon, eh?" Ben muttered, before speaking up, choosing his
> words carefully; "I never could get along with mine. I released it,
> but...found it again at the Silver Conference. I now prefer steel
> types," he added, smiling blissfully.
> "I don't know...I reckon a good fighting pokemon could take down a steel
> type," John reasoned, "Even one as big as...as a..."
> "An Aggron?" Jeff surgested, with a cheeky smile on his face.
> "Yeah! An Aggron!" John finished defiently.
> Before Ben could indignently respond to this last comment, Rubix gripped
> his shoulder and gestured in front of them. "There's our destination.
> Lead the way, captain." Muttering something about something, Ben paced
> ahead and lead the way to a large, looming cave entrance.

"Man." Jeff muttered as the trio of trainers and the pokemon entered
the dark and gloomy cave. "This place is kinda creepy." John nodded
in agreement. He bent down and gathered a large stick and some dry
moss at the cave enterance, fashioning them into a torch. He called
Narya, his Torchic out of her pokeball who used her ember attack to
light the torch before climbing up to perch on John's shoulder.

"There." The fighter muttered. "That's a little better." The group
headed down into the dark cave. It was completley silent save for the
dripping of water off the stalactites and the occasional rustle of
unseen pokemon wandering down the side tunnels.

Little did they know that they were being watched. Less than twenty
yards back a small group of men and women, all wearing dark red hoods,
had followed them into the cave. The leader spoke softly into a small
communicator. "We've found the runt and the musclehead. They're in
Granite cave, along with a third trainer and an unknown number of
pokemon. At least one high-level water type. Requesting instructions."


NS: I figured we needed a little more trouble. *shrug*


Archived from groups: alt.games.nintendo.pokemon (More info?)

>> "Nori!" Alex shouted, turning to the shorter girl. "I realize you treat my
>>claims with a high level of skepticism, and frankly I don't blame you. I
>>haven't given you a scrap of good evidence to support my claims, and
>>considering that I can't beam memories into your head, the only way to
>>prove it would involve me ending up in a morgue, and frankly I'm not ready to
>>be there yet." With a sigh, she finally said, "I realize these words aren't
>>going to have that big an impact, but I'm sorry. I'm sorry that you're going
>>die because of what I am, I'm sorry that our teams are going to die as well,
>>and I'm sorry that I've ended up falling into your expectations of Psychics,
>>terrestrial or otherwise." She turned to the two men, and added, "If you two
>>plan on taking us down, I suggest you do so now. If you don't...if your shots
>>miss their marks, then I promise you, especially if anyone here is hurt, you
>>will not walk away unscathed." The hard look in her eyes helped to make her
>>claim clear. "That I promise you."

> Any further celebrating was cut off by a flash. It wasn't a flash of light, so the
> dark cave stayed dark. It was a flash of fear. The terror that something was
> about to go down that was really bad. The responses varied.
> One response remained though, the four males headed for the exit as fast as
> human (or Blastiose-ily) possible

> "If that's the way you want it, Miss Masters, I'll make this quick," the
> elder man said to her. His pistols clicked and he took aim, one at Alex, the
> other at Nori. Both girls looked at the weapons nervously, and Nori gave Alex a
> quick glance with a mix of anger and worry in her eyes.


> "So sorry, but that's not a topic open for discussion."
> "If you're not afraid of the gun, I can just take your helmet off."
> "Er..." Beads of sweat formed around the man's face. Three girls now stared
> at him, two of them holding guns and one of them with a mind that could do much
> worse. Who could blame him if he at least considered telling them who had hired
> him and his older partner?

It was at that point that the three male members of the party comically
screeched to a halt next to the panicked assasin. They glanced in every
direction, before giving the man at their feet a long, appraising
glance, and felt pretty stupid. After a long moment of silence, Ben
spoke up.

"Hey Tsunade, I didn't know you had a gun. If I did, I wouldn't have..."
Stopping himself, (for his own safety) the teen changed tack, "I guess
you're busy here...so we'll just sit back and enjo...watch. I said watch."


Archived from groups: alt.games.nintendo.pokemon (More info?)

>> Any further celebrating was cut off by a flash. It wasn't a flash of
>light, so the
>> dark cave stayed dark. It was a flash of fear. The terror that something
>> about to go down that was really bad. The responses varied.
>> One response remained though, the four males headed for the exit as fast as
>> human (or Blastiose-ily) possible
>> "If that's the way you want it, Miss Masters, I'll make this quick," the
>> elder man said to her. His pistols clicked and he took aim, one at Alex,
>> other at Nori. Both girls looked at the weapons nervously, and Nori gave
>Alex a
>> quick glance with a mix of anger and worry in her eyes.
>> "So sorry, but that's not a topic open for discussion."
>> "If you're not afraid of the gun, I can just take your helmet off."
>> "Er..." Beads of sweat formed around the man's face. Three girls now
>> at him, two of them holding guns and one of them with a mind that could do
>> worse. Who could blame him if he at least considered telling them who had
>> him and his older partner?
>It was at that point that the three male members of the party comically
>screeched to a halt next to the panicked assasin. They glanced in every
>direction, before giving the man at their feet a long, appraising
>glance, and felt pretty stupid. After a long moment of silence, Ben
>spoke up.
>"Hey Tsunade, I didn't know you had a gun. If I did, I wouldn't have..."
>Stopping himself, (for his own safety) the teen changed tack, "I guess
>you're busy here...so we'll just sit back and enjo...watch. I said watch."

"Wise," Nori noted. She turned to Alex and said, "Well, you're the one
they're after. You'd better do the interrogating."

"Makes sense to me," Alex replied. She turned her attention to her conscious
stalker and began, "Now, I'm going to ask a few questions. I'm going to ask
that you answer them truthfully."

"How will you know I'm not lying?" the blond man asked.

"There's the fact that my friend still has her Feraligatr out," Alex
reminded him. "Not to mention the fact that I know a liar when I see one. I've
dealt with lawyers long enough." She stepped forward, looking intently into the
young man's eyes, and asked, "Now, who are you?"

The young man darted a glance towards his unconscious comrade, and answered,
"Walter. My name is Walter." He gestured to his comrade and added, "He's

Alex raised an eyebrow; "Walter and Grand?"

"You've heard of us?" Walter asked.

"No, but apparently fate enjoys playing tricks," Alex replied. "Now, I'm
willing to bet this isn't just some case of corporate espionage. The person
you're working for obviously wants me captured, and he doesn't care who he goes
through to do the job."

"You sure about that?" Nori asked. "The old guy here pointed loaded guns at

"The one pointed at me was loaded with tranquilizer darts," Alex replied.
"Three of them. You have that one in your hands."

Nori quietly looked at the ammunition, and confirmed, "You're right. How did

"He specifically said 'capture' back there," Alex reminded her comrade. She
turned back to Walter and added, "It's pretty damn clear that your employer
wants me alive because of what I am."

Walter saw little reason in debating this point. "Do you want to know who he
is or something?"

Alex's mouth twisted into a disgusted frown. "I already know everything I
need to know about him, with or without my telepathy. He's a coward, a rich man
who somehow knows my secrets and isn't even brave enough to go after me
himself. I'm also willing to bet that you two have a couple partners; more
hunters with more money going to them."

"Well, there are four of us, yes," Walter replied. "But what are you going
to do? Even if you kill the two of us, he'll still send them, maybe more."

"Who said anything about killing you?" Alex asked in reply. She grabbed the
man by his shirt collar, roughly brought him close, and said, "I want you to
leave me, and my associates, alone. The same goes for your unconscious friend.
While you're at it, give your boss a message." She drew him closer, close
enough for him to smell her breath, and finished, "I don't like to play games.
If he wants me, he should come and get me himself. Clear?"

Walter was a professional; the look in Alex's eyes more than confirmed that
she meant what she said. "Crystal."

"Wonderful," Alex said, letting go of the hunter's shirt collar. "I suggest
you get going then. Now."

Walter nodded, a bit disturbed by the sight before him, then half-dragged
his partner away.

Those gathered looked at the retreating hunters, then at Alex. "You could've
killed them," Carol noted.

"I could've," Alex admitted. "But I didn't. That's not who I am." She looked
to the five trainers gathered around her, to the Pokémon with them, and said,
"Everyone, I'm sorry. I'm sorry that you've gotten involved in all this. You're
in danger thanks to me. If anyone wants to speak up about that now, I don't
mind what you have to say. I'm more than ready for it."


[NS: Oh, I can't wait to hear the reactions...]

William Rendfeld
Creator of Echowarrior and Alex Masters
178,000 Excellent Author Points
1 'I knew odd pokefacts that confused a bread crumb' point.
20 Y2Tech Points


Archived from groups: alt.games.nintendo.pokemon (More info?)

> Those gathered looked at the retreating hunters, then at Alex. "You could've
> killed them," Carol noted.
> "I could've," Alex admitted. "But I didn't. That's not who I am." She looked
> to the five trainers gathered around her, to the Pokémon with them, and said,
> "Everyone, I'm sorry. I'm sorry that you've gotten involved in all this. You're
> in danger thanks to me. If anyone wants to speak up about that now, I don't
> mind what you have to say. I'm more than ready for it."

"Nuh-uh. I'd much rather have an interesting death than a boring life."
Ben stated philosophically, before Tsunade could voice her opionion. "If
it wasn't for the Search party, right now I would be trekking around
Hoenn, battling trainers and loosing to gym leaders - and that's not my
ideal trip."

There was a slight ruffling from behind Ben, and mawile heaved himself
up and out of the bag and onto his trainers shoulder.

"<What> maw ile ma maw <just> mawile maw?" He asked, slightly annoyed
with himself for falling asleep whilst something seemingly important
happened, from the serious expressions on most of the group members faces.

"<Alex> com-bus ken busken com, <hunters>." Surtur replied with a long
sentance that mawile completely understood, but his trainers vague look
confired that he only caught a few words of.

"I'm going to stick around anyways." Ben announced, before muttering to
himself and glancing towards Alex, "I'm sure steel can block a bullet,



Apr 20, 2004
Archived from groups: alt.games.nintendo.pokemon (More info?)

"luneric" <luneric@dontrit> wrote in message news:40a39d6e$1_1@
> > Those gathered looked at the retreating hunters, then at Alex. "You could've
> > killed them," Carol noted.
> >
> > "I could've," Alex admitted. "But I didn't. That's not who I am." She looked
> > to the five trainers gathered around her, to the Pokémon with them, and said,
> > "Everyone, I'm sorry. I'm sorry that you've gotten involved in all this. You're
> > in danger thanks to me. If anyone wants to speak up about that now, I don't
> > mind what you have to say. I'm more than ready for it."
> "Nuh-uh. I'd much rather have an interesting death than a boring life."
> Ben stated philosophically, before Tsunade could voice her opionion. "If
> it wasn't for the Search party, right now I would be trekking around
> Hoenn, battling trainers and loosing to gym leaders - and that's not my
> ideal trip."
> There was a slight ruffling from behind Ben, and mawile heaved himself
> up and out of the bag and onto his trainers shoulder.
> "<What> maw ile ma maw <just> mawile maw?" He asked, slightly annoyed
> with himself for falling asleep whilst something seemingly important
> happened, from the serious expressions on most of the group members faces.
> "<Alex> com-bus ken busken com, <hunters>." Surtur replied with a long
> sentance that mawile completely understood, but his trainers vague look
> confired that he only caught a few words of.
> "I'm going to stick around anyways." Ben announced, before muttering to
> himself and glancing towards Alex, "I'm sure steel can block a bullet,
> anyway..."

"Doesn't matter where I go," Jeff said, drooping visibly from his normally
happy demeanor. "The bad guys'll use me to get to my brother. Plus, it's
lonely out ther all alone."

Alex looked somewhat relieved.

"Besides that was COOL! I'm SO glad I got to watch that!"

A group facefault followed for all that allowed themselves one.

"What?" The youngest human asked innocently.


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