overclocking performance curve


Jan 22, 2006
I started a thread over in the doom9 forums as well as in here where people would post their system specs and "work done" in form of video encoding times. I provided a video and some settings and asked people to run it on their machines and post the time it took to do the encode. What I'm noticing is that there is a curve forming on o/c'ed machines. Only one person did three different levels so far, so this is very early to say.

Anyone ever thought about generating a clock rate vs. work done curve for a given chip and then use that a sort of "overclock health" guide? I'm assuming that the major reason for the loss of efficiency is heat. It makes sense to me that if you keep your chip in the sweetspot of the curve might help it last longer.

Please look at the data and join the discussion. Since most of you are likely not registered doom9 users, let's continue the discussion in the sister thread (identical data table) I started here in TG Forumz which is here.

For background, you can read parts of the doom9 thread. It starts here. The data table is in the first post and is identical to the one here in TG's Forum. The discussion I'm talking about is near the end of the 6th page, here.