Netflix... why'd u do it? :P

I'm a big fan of Netflix. I use the service on my desktop computer. I'm very sore in the behind b/c they changed their web layout to accommodate tablets/touch screens.

If you use a mouse to navigate sites, that means the Netflix site is now extremely slow to get around. All of the movie "icons" are enlarged, which means I can't see as many at once. They also only scroll across the screen slowly when you place the mouse cursor toward the very edge of the horizontal listing. It just scrolls too slow. I miss the old format.

Why can't they have 2 layouts that detects whether you are the traditional mouse user versus a tablet / touch user???

It's bumming me out.
Update: the old Netflix layout is back in action. Yay for me.

Edit: I may have spoke too soon. The old layout appeared after I selected to change the password. When I clicked the link from my gmail account, it automatically logged me into Netflix, which was in the old layout. When I selected a movie to watch, it jumped me back to the login screen. Even though I appear to have correctly changed my password and even confirmed and updated my billing information, I still can't log in directly. It just errors out saying my account doesn't exist in their records. lol.... c'mon wtf is up with that?

Is anyone else having Netflix issues?

Edit: after a few hours, the login works again, and damn, its back to that new layout that favors touch screens. Also a feature that was removed with the layout, if you go to a given category like Documentaries, and select show all... it no longer allows you to sort the list by date, rating, star-rating, etc. It sucks.