
Dec 20, 2005
When I set up this system I used an old UATA drive, and now I'm getting a SATA drive.

What I wonder is if there is any risk of interface related conflicts in XP (Pro, SP2) if I simply ghost my system partition to the new drive? I'm guessing one good precaution could be to uninstall the IDE drivers to let Windows autodetect the drives on first boot, but other than that?

Not that it's that big a deal if something goes wrong, I'll still have the original install, but asking first can be a good way to save a little work. :)


shouldnt have any problems. I run sata with pata with floppy/cdrom/usb stick all the time and have no conflicts.
Do not uninstall the drivers. There is no need to do that. When you are ready to boot off the sata drive. go into the bios and set the sata to be first boot device and dont set ide to boot at all.