Which "Windows" for AMD ATHLON 64?


Feb 22, 2006
Hi everyone,

I'm about to get a desktop and I'd like your suggestion on the OS.
Since I'm getting a 64-bit CPU (Athlon 64) I thought I'd also get Windows XP Pro 64 but then I read that not many drivers are available yet so now I'm thinking I should stick with WIndows XP Pro (non-64 bit).
I plan on doing some very basic video editing (getting data from the video camera, minor cut & paste and burning on a DVD) but I really don't have any 64-bit software (and I don't think I need one yet).

Is there anybody that has experience with both Windows XP Pro and Windows XP Pro 64? Any suggestion? :?:


PS: here's the configuration:
Asus A8N-VM GF6100 (with 6 ch. audio and integrated video)
AMD Athlon 64 3200+
4GB OCZ DDR400 (2-3-2-5)
2 SATA Maxtor DiamondPlus 250GB each
For the moment no dedicated graphic card: Videos are low res and I don't plan to play any of the newest game


XP Home or Pro doesnt matter. Pro has more security options, can connect to domain, but works just like home.

XP 64 is getting better with the drivers but not all printers, scanners, web cams, and such have drivers yet.

You dont need 64 bit software to use it. 32 bit will run just fine.


Feb 27, 2006
there really isnt that much benefit in windows xp 64-bit and alot of software arent 64-bit compatible so they either wont run as well as in winXP 32 or wont run at all. if you want to avoid hassle, then just do regular winxp 32. people on winxp 64 are usually the more experienced or just want bragging rights :roll: :roll: :roll:


Feb 22, 2006
Thanks for your input.
Never heard of conpatibility issues. Win XP 64 uses a windows-on-windows 64 (wow64) which should be able to run 100% of the applications.
There's a nice article on a 64-bit notebook on the "mobilityGuru". It shows that 64-bit applications on 64-bit OS run ~11% faster, however, it also clearly shows the lack of any 64-bit application for the common user and practically no loss of performance when running 32 bit.
It does also confirm lack of drivers which eventually may deprive you of some of those comforts you got used to.

Anyway, I got my parts today and assembled my ne wPC in 2 hrs. Works like a charm. I'm installing Win XP home edition as we speak.

Thank you all for your suggestions.