Planning on OC'ng with water in the future, but for now.....


Feb 2, 2007
Ok, my computer set up I'm purchasing is going to be the e6600 along with a gigabyte DS3 mobo (cliche I know, but it works). Well, either that or the ASUS p5b deluxe wifi-ap. Anywhoo, since it's about ram I plan on getting the;jsessionid=6oPHqrji1J9BeFUypP-2sQ**.node1?site=sr:SEARCH:MAIN_RSLT_PG

Its PC8500. With that, I could lower the bandwidth for now and tighten up the timings correct? Or I could run it at the rated speeds or beyond by upping my cpu FSB and lowering the multiplier right? Or does upping the FSB too much and lowering mult bad for my computer?

I was thinking of trying to get around 500mhz FSB with my ram eventually when I get water cooling (500x8 mult) about, of course it's not going to be 500 exact but around there when it's stable.

What else does FSB change things for besides memory and CPU?