Dumb Questions about protection


Jul 22, 2005
This is a real stupid question, but I dont know the answer to it.

Whats the difference between an anti-virus program and an Internet Security program? Do I need both of them?

I have Kaspersky Anti-virus 6.0, because it seems to be considered the best of all anti-virus software, does that mean I need Kaspersky Internet Security (assuming its the best, I only buy what is considered the best. Norton sucks)?

What do you recommend as the best way to stay secure without hogging all my system resources. Im a hardcore gamer!



Feb 13, 2006
internet security = antivirus + firewall + antispyware

norton (syamntec) is crap. ineficient and unreliable

it's very good that u use kav. i use kav5.0 and looking forward to testing the 6.0 version. i don't really have time for that.

for firewall i use agnitium firewall 3.5 cause it's light, reliable, fairly easy to configure. u still need to have knowledge of how to use a firewall to do a good job. it's part software and part user knowledge. in recent versions they try to automate most of the tasks but i still prefer the good old fashion old semi manual way. it has plugins but i let started only the "attack detection plugin". i also disable the logging part wich kinda has problems. the database got corrupted pretty often.there are no incompatibilities with other softwares, no crashes. it also has an antispyware plugin wich i don't use. it was added as a bonus and i like one thing to do only one thing but very well.

for spware i use spybot s&d 1.4 wich is free and fairly powerfull. i heard about webroot antispyware to be very good but it's not free and i don't get infected often.