HELP HELP HELP my Hard drive and its Volume Serial Number ;(


Jun 16, 2006
One day i turn on my computer and try access my HDD and i get this message :
D: is not Accessible

The wrong diskette is in the drive
Insert (Volume Serial Number: ) into drive D:

So any one know what is wrong with my Hard Drive :?

C drive = 68.3GB (partition of 200GB 1st WD ) IDE << working fine
F drive= 117GB ( partion of 200GB 1st WD) IDE << working fine

D drive = 200GB ( 2nd HDD 200GB WD) IDE << corrupted drive ;(

I drive = 279 ( 3rd HDD 300GB WD ) Sata << working fine

I don't want to format ;( i need some data out of the hdd ;*( please help me


go into disk management and see if it sees the drive itself. If it sees the drive but not the letter then looks like you lost the partition. Do not do a format. Try partition magic or some other recovery program to see if you can get it back.
If windows doesnt see the drive at all, check the bios and see if it sees it. If the bios doesnt then it looks like the drive died. Try reseating all the cables and might also try putting the drive in another computer. If all else fails and you really, reallllllllyyyyy need the info send it to a recovery company that will charge you out the bleep to get it back.