What's this about Tunisia???


Feb 28, 2007
Here's my question: does AMD just want to get all the reporters who actually cover tech in one place just to have them all taken out by a "terrorist" attack so they can justify delaying the R600 another 6 months? Just kidding, but:
Why Tunisia? lol... :?:
Why all in the same hotel? lol... 8O

Seriously, though... why have the press sign non-disclosure agreements? I thought that AMD was going to release some data at this thing, not keep it under wraps, guess I was wrong.
Oh, and we're still not seeing them until June, so.. (Final Jeopardy! theme playing in background...)

I bet that AMD only has the one card that they will show off (maybe 2 if they can scrounge another up before then for Crossfire), just like they have this whole time. :lol: They are only briefing reporters in groups of 10 or so. Must not have enough cards to go around... makes me cringe as to the state of supply when these things hit the market.
But still, I cant wait... it will be interesting to see if these things live up to the hype (I dont think that they can, considering some opinions on these forums). If they're even near what everyone is assuming, they should kick some major ass.


Jun 12, 2004
I am just a little pissed off about the non-disclosure agreements, which keep us completely in the dark. AMD decides to put on this great big demo in Tunisia, bringing press from all over. However, the press can't release any important data to the public for several weeks! I don't know if these non-disclosure demo's are common in the industry, but it sure shuts us out.


Dec 2, 2004
Crazy ass lubbock people... :wink:

You want to know why AMD has NDA's? So they can release only the benchmarks that they win and then under the NDA the reporters can't issue a full break down. It will have the effect of propping AMD's rep for a few weeks and hopefully net them something...

I think it is stupid, but that is just my opinion.