Transferring drives from one system to another


Jul 18, 2003
Hi all,

I run a home file server (mainly for backups) on an old Dell GX100 using CentOS4.5.

I want to move this to my current computer when I upgrade to a Core2Duo. Do I have to reinstall the OS? I know I would with Windows, but I'm only using the ordinary OS drivers, not any proprietary ones.

The system it will be going into will be an Athlon XP2500+ on an Asus A7N8X.

If I need to reinstall, I'll still be able to keep my data, but I woul dreally prefer not to have to mess about reinstalling the OS if I can help it.

Thanks in advance.

I'm not sure is my honest answer. CentOS is not the most plug and play Linux distro so my leaning would be towards no.

You might get away with the old repair existing installation trick if you stick the disc in the new machine and then boot from your install disc. It's worth a shot but as always make the backup before you try.


You do not have to re-install.

You have 2 easy options.

Move the HDD and run an upgrade on the new machine which should take care of everything for you ( now might be a good time to upgrade to CentOS 5 ).

The other option is to edit /etc/modprobe.conf add the modules you will need on your Athlon and run mkinitrd to make a new initrd for your AMD.

There are less easy options but I would not recommend them.

GL :-D


Should be pretty much the same for most distros including Ubuntu.

There are a few minor differences here and there but the way the initrd works is essentially the same.


Make sure you backup any important files first.

Also make sure you have another computer with internet access in case something goes wrong and you need help.

GL :-D