How do i get my computer off sleep mode



I think my computer is in sleep mode or safe mode. But whenever i turn the monitor on it says i need to take it off then it goes black. How do i get my computer out of it? I cant get onto my desktop either which means i can't change any settings. I really hope someone can help. Please email me with any answers,


Here's the link: Even describes why yours doesn't wake up!

1) Right-click on the “desktop” anywhere there is no icon. (The desktop is the main screen where you see the Recycle Bin, My Computer, My Documents, etc. icons.)

2) Click on Properties.

3) Click on the Screen Saver tab.

4) Click on the Power… button.

5) Click on the Down Arrow next to whatever is in the Power scheme box, then click on Always On.

6) You should then see the settings under Plugged in change for Turn off monitor, Turn off hard disk, System standby [Sleep] mode [and Hibernation mode]. Be sure that the settings for all of these say “Never.”

Note: You can change Turn off monitor to After 20 mins if you want to turn off your monitor to save electricity. The monitor will turn on again automatically when you move the mouse or press any key. This feature usually works without any problems.

7) Click on the Hibernate tab, then click to remove the check mark next toþ Enable hibernation if there is one.

8) Click on OK.

9) Click on OK.

10) Close all open programs, then restart the computer for the new settings to take effect.