Adobe Reader 9 is being dumb


Sep 22, 2009
So, I made the terrible mistake of downloading Adobe Reader 9 and now I can't figure out how to get rid of it. For some reason it's no longer working properly (and has never worked with Google Chrome). I'm trying to get rid of it because right now I can't find a way to force any pdfs to download onto my computer, and since AR isn't working I can't view the PDFs at all. Just FYI, I'm running UNR 9.10.

Thanks for your help.


This isn't very good advice but it might help ya out :)

Go to your bookmarks organizer and export your bookmarks, you'll want to save them so you can import them later.

If you don't have a lot of firefox customizations you can open a terminal and mv -i ~/.mozilla/firefox/ ~/my-mozilla-backup

You can move it back if ya need to, remember backups are a good thing!

This'll move your firefox directory out of the way, so firefox will make a new one the next time you start it, minus any junk Adobe Reader 9 could have stuck in there.

If you do this you'll lose your customizations but it's the easiest way to get rid of something that's embedded itself in your firefox that you can't easily get rid of.

You'll also wanna check your mozilla plugins directory usually it'll be in /usr/lib64/mozilla/plugins or /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins or somewhere under /usr/ -- see if adobe reader has a plugin there. you'll need to keep, the rest you can blast, unless it's something you need. If you've previously installed flashplayer you'll see in the plugins directory. Don't delete it if you want flash.

This isn't necessarily the best way to do it but it's probably the simplest.

If reader is embedded somewhere else this won't work.

Kids, please don't try this at home.

Good luck :)


If you're good with grep you can grep -R ~/.mozilla/firefox/ for it and try to remove it surgically but that could break firefox so make sure you've got a backup first.

~/.mozilla/firefox/ is the short version of /home/your-username/.mozilla/firefox

If you've not very comfortable with the terminal you can open your filesystem and go to /home/your-username/.mozilla/firefox in your file manager make a backup copy of it and go from there.

Good luck :)

If you want working PDF support try installing evince with the mozdev plugins.


Sep 22, 2009
Thanks for the replies. So, I haven't actually tried any of your suggestions yet (since I'm at work) but will play around some more tonight.

Last night just before I went to bed I did end up getting AR9 to work in Firefox, but it's still acting up when using Chrome (my main browser, which I know, is probably not a good idea to have a Beta as your full time browser). The only problem is that Chrome seems to think that it can open things in Adobe, but it ends up just opening nothing, and I can't find a way for it to download the PDF directly onto the machine.

Thanks again.
Ahhh... this might be an adobe setting. If you check under the internet section in AR9 preferences there is an option to 'Display in browser window', turn this off and adobe opens as a separate application complete with the file menu.


May 21, 2008

Psh, im still using windows 7 RC for my gaming rig, along with the firefox beta, and office 2010 beta at work :sol: If it works, i see no problem with it.


Sep 22, 2009
Well, I've tried everything suggested an nothing seems to be fixing the problem. I've also tried to remove Chrome, but I think I didn't remove it completely because after I reinstalled it all my preferences still existed. I'll try that again, but at least Reader is working in Firefox, so I do have a way to view PDFs. Thanks for your help.


Open up a terminal

sudo su -

useradd new_user

passwd new_user


exit from the gui and log in as the new user your firefox and chrome should now be able to download PDFs.

Good luck :)


Sep 22, 2009
Thanks a lot, this actually worked. It wasn't quite the solution I was hoping for, but it'll be fine until the RC for Chrome comes out (which will have a lot more of the problems fixed....I hope).


Cool :) You're welcome :)

Since that worked, I'm assuming there's some settings in some of your .files or directories that are changing the browser behavior.

evince btw, the free pdf reader, isn't that bad, it works pretty well :)

Keep the questions coming.

Good luck :)