Ubuntu and Mac file share


Jun 27, 2011
So I just installed ubuntu server 11.10 and I successfully set up a samba share, but when I try to log in with my mac I am not able to upload anything. I can see whats in the folder, but I when I try to upload it asks for my password and tells me that i dont have permission. When I looked at the permissions under info it says that i have mixed permission. Plz help, i have no idea whats wrong.


Jun 27, 2011
I cant do anything. I get an error message when I try to create or move anything to the server. Could it be that the drive im sharing doesn't have the correct permission?
In that case you'll need to use the command chmod or maybe chown.

chmod - sets the permissons on the file or directory
chown - sets the ownership of the file or directory

So, you can either set the permissions so that the group your user account in has read write access or change the directory that you are sharing so that it is owned by the user account you are using to logon from the Mac.

Easist way is with chown

sudo chown <account name> <path to shared directory>

by default the owner of a file in Linux has full controll of it.