Terminal Commands for CentOS


Sep 14, 2011
I'm having a difficult time finding these terminal commands for CentOS.
- create a share
- allow a user access to a share
- check the logs
- install the APM features
- schedule tasks

any help would be greatly appreciated.

Also need help on this one..
Find out how to do a restore to a temp folder on LINUX using tar
at the sake of keeping my sanity, either narrow down your questions to something more specific or just google what you want.

Here are some terms you want to google.
shares: look up "samba config"
check logs: the bash command "cat foo.log", logs are generally stored /var/log/
schedule tasks: look up "cron"

what do you mean "restore to a temp folder on LINUX using tar"???

really all of these questions could be found, probably in the first or second result, on google.



Sep 14, 2011
Yes they are questions for an assignment. I'm not sure what he means by a temp folder either. Its basically a paid internship, but I didn't go to school for computers or anything. I have learned most things on my own. I have zero experience using linux so it just makes it that much harder for me. I guess I'll quit my whining. Can you guys point me to a good source for Linux?

The majority of his questions are worded funny and are hard to understand most of the time. Usually I can do a simple google search on most questions, but his are a pain in the butt. I feel like I'm at a breaking point because I have no source to look at except the internet. It would be helpful just to know where a answer could be without spending 2 hours on one question. Just wanted to say thanks for all the help so far.