Convert simple volume to primary partition


Nov 30, 2012

Tell us a little more please. What are you trying to install? On what are you installing it? What is already there?

A stab in the dark. You are trying a dual boot install on a Windows machine. Windows has decided for some unknown reason that it needs 4 primary partitions when the reality is it can be done with only one. Any hard drive can have only 4 primary partitions, it's a technical thing, so Microsoft has effectively blocked you from a standard dual boot install since your Linux needs a primary partition. In Vista the tactic was to put unmovable files at the beginning and end of the hard drive preventing the creation of a new partition. So what are your options? Buy (if there is freeware I haven't found it yet) software that can create an extended partition and move the windows ones into it thus allowing you to create a new primary partition for Linux. Delete one of the primary partitions that are not essential, choose between tools and re-installer. Or you can say "If you won't play nice with another system I'll just take you off" and erase the hard drive of the offending system. :D