
Jun 16, 2012
hi guys i want to buy a pc to play bf3 on ultra setting with 4XAA if thats not the max setting for it then correct me if im wrong
so my budget is $850
i have a 19 inch lg screen with 1440x900 and that what i will use for now
im planning on gettin 45 fps on heavy battles or at least 35fps on heavy battles
what i have on mind is
case: cheapest case
disc drive: no
storage option: 64gb ssd
well heres the funny part i read reviews on
i7 3770k vs 2700k : nearly no diffrence in games(im not planning to use the internal graphics)
2700k vs 2600k: very little
2600k vs 2500k: not much
so im planning to get 2500k
so i think theres not a HUGE diffrence between the i5 2500k vs 2700k? But that its faster with a few mhz and have hyper threading(is that important for gaming and video editing)
ram: 4gb ddr3 1600mhz is there HUGE diffrence in gaming between the 1600mhz and the 1333mhz? And is 4gb enough? Iam on a budget dont see why i need more than 4gb
Motherboard: asus maximus v gene or maximus v formula z77(waiting for it to be released)
gpu: zotac gtx 670 amp edition(its nearly as good as 680)
power supply: idk about this one so what you suggest if im planning to get the above

im new here and this is my first post
so plz answer the ques above and the below and thanks reading !!btw lhikary is my youtube name
1 cheapest parts to run bf3 on ultra with 4xaa on 1440x900 screen
2 theres a small chance i get the above pc and if i got it it will it be enough for GTA V on max?
3 my screen dont have an hdmi port only a vga will that afeect the quality of the games?
4 if you will suggest me a $850 rig plz b aware of the following: only 64gb ssd for storage, no disc drive, motherboard to support both sandy bridge and ivy bridge and it have sli option
and im planning to overcolock the cpu and gpu and ram
Well not precisely...

1) I'd guess around a 6950 2gb would do the trick. My 1gb cards run out of VRAM with 2xMSAA which causes occasional lag.

2)No clue. GTA 4 was a crappy console port and even people with ultra fast rigs like SLI 580s couldn't properly run it maxed. So it really depends on if Rockstar bother to port it properly or not.

3)Yes, but not much. VGA is the worst video input right now, DVI, HDMI, and DisplayPort are all roughly equal.

4)For $850 and the best performance possible a 64gb SSD is not going to work as your only storage device. After Windows you would be lucky to get even BF3 installed on that. I'd suggest a decent HDD. Maybe a hybrid like the Seagate Momentus XT - check out the most recent article on Tom's Hardware front page. It performs nearly as well as an SSD after a bit of use but it has 750gb.

Oh and if you want some exposure take this thread to the New Systems forum. Not much traffic in this one.