Program to see .exe's running on another computer.

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Jul 20, 2010
Okay, this is kind of a weird question. I've googled it and got nothing.

Basically, I share a wow account with my sister. (I sold my origional account, she quit, I started again on her account, I quit, she started, now I want to play again.) lol.
So here is the problem, I can't play when she's playing, and the only way to know if she is playing is go all the way upstairs and check or text her. Who wants to do that all the time? Because she could be off for an hour by the time I check.

Anyway, I want a program that will let me know when wow.exe is running on her pc, and when it stops running.

Just a simple program that maybe has a green light when its running and a red light when she closes wow. Then I know automatically, when she's off. This would be very helpful and if anyone knows of any program like this please let me know.

inb4 you're lazy

Here is what you need to do. Get your own account again. After sharing an account with the wife in several MMORPG and havng my son use both my account and hers, you don't want to be sharing accounts.

There is no software that is constantly checking for a running application on another PC outside of the big n' pricy enterprise software. Try winternals software.

There should be a few programs in there that will allow you to check on remote computers and what they are running. MS bought them out, and stopped offering things that they used to, which I think is a crime, but they still offer you some things.


Jul 20, 2010

What are some of the big pricey enterprise programs?

And the whole point of doing this is to play when she's not playing, it keeps my playtime down, if I wanted a new account I wouldn't have started this thread.
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