2.5v motherboard+2.6v ram=games not running


Jul 24, 2007
my motherboards ddr voltage is 2.5v and my kingston value ram is 2.6v. i have a amd 64 3200+, ga-k8n-pro mobo, and x2 1gb kinsgton ram. i just put these 2 1gb sticks in because my other kingston 1gb value stick was crashing games (wow, oblivion, bf2, bf2142). so i went to the store and bought 2 1gb kinsgton value sticks and put them in. after 15 minutes of playing wow my game crashed with a memory error. i know my ram isnt fried, it is the voltage. my mobo naturally runs at 2.5v ddr and my ram is 2.6v. yea my ram works normally with everyday programs, but when i play games it will crash to desktop randomly. there should be an option to raise my memory ddr voltage past 2.5v but there isnt. theres only a ddr voltage option that will let me raise it +o.1v, +o.2v, or +o.3v and no more. but i need to raise it to atleast 2.55v or 2.6v so my ram will be stable. i am sorry if this seems like jargon, but this problem is so hard to explain because it's just so gay of an error. should i update my bios for more possible voltage options? thanks for any info
If you have options for +.1, +.2, and +.3, then that means you could go from default 2.5, to 2.8 volts.

It does sound like you need more voltage, however. I would recommend increasing to +0.2 volts, to (2.5v + 0.2V=2.7v) 2.7 volts for the DDR memory.