
Feb 14, 2010
I have a shortcut of one of my favorites on my desktop that executes a command to my NAS thru Firefox or IE7. When I click this shortcut, the browser opens fullscreen but I want it to open minimized or preferably in the background. All other favorites should open fullscreen though, only this one should be minimized.
A "normal" shortcut has the option to open max. or min. but not this one.
Is that possible?


1. Right click the IE icon by the Start button, (If you don’t have one there, click on Start-Programs, the RIGHT click on “Internet Explorer”) choose Properties, change it from 'normal' to 'maximized' open IE. It will be maximized.

2. Now right click any link on the page, choose “Open in New Windows”, resize that window with your left mouse button until it's the size you want it to be.

3. Now close the FIRST window you opened, leaving the resized one on the screen. Now close the resized one.

4. Open IE again, and then right click any link, choose open in new window and it will be the size you created.

Hope this helps.