
Sep 7, 2007
Question for your raid geniuses - I had an asus pk5 deluxe and setup raid 5 and have lots of data on 3 250 GB drives but recently I bought a GIGABYTE GA-P35-DQ6 - will I be able to simple use the 3 drives in raid 5 with the gigabyte motherboard with all the data intact??

Probably not. There will be someone who usually posts a very long and complicated process that will give you slight chance of saving the data by just moving the array, (at least that is what I have seen in the past when someone asks this question)
But moving arrays from 1 controller to another is iffy at best even on identical motherboards and controllers, and near impossible to move between different motherboards with different controllers.
Buy or borrow a large external drive and back it all up before you try to do it, even when the RAID experts start posting with all the possible ways to make it work.
Fact of the matter is, it seldom turns out the way you hope in these cases, be prepared to completely rebuild the array on the new controller from scratch, with no data intact.
The best advice I can give is when you move it to the Gigabyte board, buy a controller card. That way if you ever move it again, you move the controller with it, and you have a very good chance of saving everything intact without much trouble.
Well toms once had an article about raid migration and it started from Intel to Intel(ICHR5 all the way to 9 work).

I know that my raid 0 from my P5W DH(ICHR7) to my P35 DS3R(ICHR9) came over without a problem. This was VERY surprising, I did not even plug them in the same ports.

I do not recommend a wild *** try. but in my case i was expecting to format anyway.

So backup if you can and you may be surprised that it works anyway. Better to be safe tho. - Intel to Intel seems to always go....but Intel to lets say promise would be a no go


Aug 1, 2004
Both of those use Intel chips if I remember correctly. I can't get either website to come up because i'm having internet problems tonight. But I'm pretty sure they're both Intel chips, which means it should work*.

*Should doesn't mean will. BACK UP YOUR DATA before you try this because if it goes south you don't want to be trying to recover your data later.

I'd recommend you get a cheap RAID controller. Highpoint makes a few and you can always take the controller with you.


Sep 7, 2007
Thanks for the advice, I think both motherboards have the identical intel ich9r chip so hopefully it will work. Problem is that the asus board will not post all of a sudden (worked for couple of weeks) - pretty much tried everything - I'll list the things I've tried below and if you guys can think of anything else I'd appreciate it.

1. Have 4 sticks of 1 gig ram - tried each stick one at a time in each slot (with only the cpu and video card in)
2. Checked CPU/pins and everything is fine (cpu is core 2 quad q6600)
3. Cleared cmos (removed power/battery - changed the pins on mb to clear cmos, left for more than 15 mins - installed battery)
4. Video card should be fine
5. Memory should be fine because none of the 4 sticks worked
6. PSU should be fine (I guess I'll find out for sure when I get the GIGABYTE board)

Seems like allot of people are getting this problem with the asus p5k deluxe board - I've read that it could be due to faulty capacitors (not holding their charge properly). Anyway if I make any progress I'll post here for anyone else that runs in this issue. Thanks.


Feb 21, 2006
My guess is that the RAID will still work since the RAID chip is the same.
The difficulty may come in if the RAID driver from Intel was Tweaked by ASUS which means that using the native Intel Driver or Gigabyte driver would not work.

Along those lines, if it's not working, you may even be able to get the ASUS raid driver working on that system.

But I would try as you are to get the other system working again, even if briefly.

Unplug everything from the Mobo that you can, (HDD/CDROM Drives, sound, etc.. etc...) Maybeon one is causing an issue.

Try running the Mobo outside of the case, maybe something is shorting.

Try reseating all cables, especially the power cables.

Despite what some people with the X-Box do, I would not recommend placing it while running into a sink full of water to avoid potential over-heating issues.


Sep 7, 2007
>>Try running the Mobo outside of the case, maybe something is shorting.

Had to try this just to be sure - took mb out placed it on a non-static plastic it comes in but still no post.