Looking for program to switch video outputs

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Nov 27, 2011
So here's my deal. I have 2 monitors currently hooked up, and an HDTV that I swap out with one of the monitors when I want to watch a movie from my computer. The problem (more of an annoyance) is that I have to unplug one of my monitors (DVI) to use the HDMI port on my video card, otherwise it won't show up. I am aware it can only use a combination of two at a time. What I would like to do is be able to have all 3 always plugged in (2 DVI + 1 HDMI), and have a program that will allow me to choose which ones I want to be in use at the given time, so I don't need to go digging under my desk all the time. Anyone know of such a program?
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