
Jul 14, 2008
I am currently trying to set up remote desktop to use the client side printer and not the server printer, but I am having trouble getting it to print onto client side printers. I am using windows server 2003, and I have gone in and found the port but am unable to get the actual printer to print, it is receiving data but not printing, if anyone is able to help me set up a client side printer I would very well appreciate it.


Client being the client you're running remote desktop on to connect to the server?

Is the client printer networked (have an IP address) or is it locally attached?

If it is networked, you'll create the port on the server, create a new printer and assign it to that port. You'll have to select the correct driver.


You can share out the printer on the client computer, navigate out or use the UNC [\\computername] to access the computer, double click on the shared printer name and it will install.