Need help decideing on new system build


Oct 23, 2007
I've been an amd fanboy for awhile, and hate giving my money to intel... but the more i look into it the more tempted i am. I plan on ordering this by the end of the month. I know intel and amd are both releasing new cpus soon, but thatd mean waiting at least a month or before upgrading... waiting for reviews, parts to get in stock, etc.

I'm torn between these 2 builds. I am going to be using this for gaming. For a hard drive ill be reusing my 74gb 1st gen raptor (from what ive seen its still faster then the newer 7200rpm hard drives). The AMD build has a hard drive in it because ill be using that for my media center...

All items must be purchased from Tigerdirect since i have $1100 in gcs for them.

I doubt id ever get around to overclocking so that doesnt make any difference to me (otherwise id get the amd 5000 BE).

I was unsure of a motherboard for the intel, so if anyone has a better suggestion please let me know

AMD x2 6400+

Intel Core 2 Quad 6600



It is not always true, but in this case, "you get what you pay for".