Microsoft JScript runtime error 800a01a8 Object required /mvt/DownloadIndex asp


Apr 24, 2010
Ok, I was getting the exact same error page and Mvt downloadindex asp line 60 thing you got and then I tried this and it worked for me. Copy this into your browser [...] /login.asp
It takes you to the McAfee, Inc. Downloads
On the right side of the screen youll see "ARE YOU UP TO DATE" and under that it says "click here", click it and that brings you to the Virtual Technician upload if you just follow the prompts by clicking next, download and run the program.

If that doesnt work or you dont want to copy the link into your browser there is a simple way (for McAfee users) to do the same thing - when you pull up your MaAfee window and your looking at the basic menu, click on "help" in the far top right hand corner, then under contents click on McAfee Virtual Technician, then in the first paragraph that pops up you'll see Virtual Technician is highlighted and you click that which brings you to where you can download the Virtual Technician - just follow the prompts by clicking next, download and run it.

Good luck.