Benefit to the X38


Feb 28, 2005
Hello fellow posters! :hello:

In the next two months, I'm going to build a new box. Mostly for gaming, but I also code and do some graphic design work :sol: (when possible).

I'm down to the last few details, and this question arose. Other than the PCI-e 2.0 feature, are there any real advantages to the X38 MB's over the P35 MB's?

I will be purchasing a G92 based Nvidia video card, and they support the newer 2.0 spec, but is that worth the extra $50-100 in outlay? Does the newer spec mean I'll gain 10% or more on FPS with the newer card/pci lane bandwidth?

Thanks for your assistance people.


Feb 20, 2007
p35 is probably what you'll need. However X38 does have better support for the new 45nm Quad cores and a much longer upgrade path.

IF you can wait a while longer you could get a P45. It's just an upgrade to the P35. It allows PCIe2.0 and better support for quads. It might even be a pinch faster too, but who knows.

IF you don't mind spending the cash you could just get an Nvidia 780i board ($$$). It has PCIe2.0, good 45nm quad core support, and the ability for you to put in a second G92 later on. If you wait for the next fastest card from Nvidia it will probably allow you to throw in 3 GPU's instead of just 2. It'll also OC very well as well.

In the end though, if you're just going to ever use one GPU, then I'd keep everything simple as well too.
P35 is just as good, unless you want the last bit from overclocking. Check out the review benchmarks; I don't think there is 2% difference among them.

Current vga cards do not use even 50% of the current pci bandwidth, much less the 2.0 spec. The increase in fps should be undetectable. I think there are also some reviews testing this.


Feb 28, 2005
Yeah, I can wait at least until February. :bounce: Although I am getting a little bit itchy waiting for the 45nm processors. I didn't know how many new products there would be coming out between now and then.

When is the P45 supposed to drop?


Jun 6, 2004
Did you mean X48 instead of P45? Haven't heard of P45 myself (yet?)

Another thing to consider on the X38 is the TWO pci-e slots that both run at max speed of 16x when in CrossFire or SLI. And about the bandwidth, pretty sure current gen cards are using more than half of the bandwidth as the benches with 3870s in 4x lanes are terrible compared to in 16x lanes.

Basically if you don't plan on going crossfire or sli just get a P35 like the GA-P35-DS3L (~$95) and OC a Q6600 to 3.0Ghz or higher. If it were me though, and I were building right now, I'd go with the Asus P5E X38 board (~$220) and get a 3870. Then I would add another 3870 probably later in 2008 on the cheap. By the time that system starts to seriously lag you can rebuild with mature 45nm parts!


Sep 7, 2007
new release have a lux. price, i've plan same as jevon, but seeing the 3870's lag behind the new 8800's makes me wait a bit longer, anyway : there is no really good game at the moment.