Overclocking help


May 27, 2008
I'm quite new to overclocking and would appreciate a little step by step guide to ensure I do it correctly xD

Components :

Intel E6550 @ 2.33 ghz ( stock clock and stock cooling @ 2000RPM )
Crucial 2GB 667 RAM
ASrock DVI/H 1333 (Not great but can get some out of it.. apparently)
4 case fans running at 100%
Arctic Power 700W PSU with dual 12v rails 22 A each ( if this is necessary )

I was going to use Ntune but wasn't sure because the chipset is an intel chipset rather than an Nforce 4,5 etc

I'm only planning to overclock the CPU a bit 'cause 2.33 ghz is bottlenecking my 9600GT.

Thanks :D



Oct 12, 2006
overclocking these chips is pretty easy, but I'm not familiar with your board's bios, so you'll have to search to find the features i tell you about.

set the fsb to ram ratio to 1:1, then just raise the fsb a little. it will be stock at 333 (or 1333, depending on what it shows).

if you set it at 400 (or 1600), that will give you a 2.8ghz clock speed, but your ram will have to run at 400 (ddr800), so you might have to raise ram voltage. that's a minor overclock that should help alleviate the perceived bottleneck.