7900 GS and psu


The 7900GS does not consume that much power. Less than an X1650XT and way less than a X1950 pro.

A Quality ATX 2.0 with 25amp on the 12v should be plenty for that card. Most quality 450W would exceed this and even smaller ones like the Antec Earthwatts 380w (27 amp 12v) could power that card. The 430W has 30 amps on the 12v. If you are looking cheap I'd go with the earthwatts 380 or 430. If you have more to spend then beef it up a little for the future(in case you change cards) http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817371005

edit: Of course if you are shopping for a card, I don't recommend the 7900GS. It's falling way behind similar priced cards in many new games (UT3, COD4, Crysis, Orange Box, Oblivion, NFS Carbon & PS.) Want links, just ask.