Do I expect problems when my PC case is open ?


Apr 30, 2007
That's my question...Is there any problem when dust accumelate inside my PC case as a result of keeping my PC case open ? for the sake of extra venting and cooling purpose ??( I promise to clean the components every 3 or 4 months though....)


Feb 25, 2008
Case sides are there for a reason, leave it on. If you are overheating, consider buying more / more silent fans.


Mar 2, 2008
The dust will ruin all your fans over time... plus will also likely work to overheat everything.

The dust will get in all the joints and bearings... which will act like sandpaper inside the moving parts and will lower the lifespan of those parts. May not be a huge deal if they are cheap parts anyways... but no point having to replace them if don't have to.

The dust will also act as an insulator affecting heat transfer. Even on a CPU cooler with numerous fins. The dust will get on all of them and lower efficiency. The moving fan will help blow off the stuff in its direct wind trail... but anything outside will allow it to accumulate. That will lower the radiating effect because the dust heats up and keeps the unit warmer.

Best thing you could do is get better cooling or work to try and get as much of the dust out of the computer as you can weekly. No matter what you do dust will get in... the trick is to keep it out as much as possible and clean out the rest as often as possible.

If you have the option, may way to upgrade to a case with much better airflow. The Cosmos 1000 that I have, has filter screens on all the intake areas... helps with the big stuff and makes it easier to clean. But no case is 100% dust proof. Still have to clean it regularly anyways.

The two things you want are great airflow and great cooling... once have that it will also increase the life span of your unit. Which also works to save money in the long run.


Feb 13, 2008
Variable speed fans help in this department. When your computer heats up - the fan speeds up, so when the dust collects = you will know it, and its time to clean. Thats in a pseudo perfect world though. I tend to replace parts before they get that bad.

If you run into a particularly disgusting system, an old grainy aluminum heatsink, something like that - take the heatsink out of the case, remove fan, and give it a bath, let it dry overnight and/or a 150-200 degree sunbath in the oven for a couple minutes. This will restore it to new condition, new thermal compound and let the system live out the rest of its miserable dirty life.


Jan 16, 2008
A PC will run just as long with out a case side or longer. I have run a pc for 4+ years with out sides or drive bay covers. Yes it did collect dust, but my new antec 900 puts twice as much dust in the case. With both setups I still have to get the canned air out about once a month. So if you think a case panel will keep the dust out you are dead wrong. So yeah you might have airflow problems but pulling off the side is cheaper than a new case and not all of us are millionaires able to drop money on our pc at the drop of a hat. Keep some canned air handy you will be fine.


Mar 2, 2008
That's why I think a lot more people are opting for filters on their cases. I do beleive you can get some of them from enthusiast stores. Not sure how good a seller they are at the moment, so may have to ask around... but they are out there. As with everythings else... some are better than others. I saw some that would stop a cat from getting in... but not have any effect on dust... hehehehe. Some look like they would be better at stopping the air from getting in and thus lower dust that way... so look around.


Jan 1, 2005
Not the best solution, but I would not say you need to expect problems as long as you have some canned air and blow it out when things get dusty, and you don't do something on accident like drop an open Coke into the open side of your case LOL.