Q6600 @ 3.6ghz - Need help..


Jan 27, 2006
Okay, I can't really get it running perfectly stable even at 1.53v on the vcore. Prime95 and games will run for about an hour, then crash..

My current settings are something like this..everything else that's not listed is not changed(auto).

Multi: 9.0x
FSB: 400mhz
DRAM Frequency: DDR2 1066
Vcore: 1.531v
CPU Spread Spectrum: Disabled
PCIE Spread Spectrum: Disabled

I know I should probably be tweaking the other volts but tbh I have no clue what to change and how high to set it, can anyone help with that? I would like to lower the Vcore and get this thing running stable at 3.6ghz!


Contributing Writer
Set your RAM voltage to 1.8 or 1.9...I think most are certified up to 2.0 or 2.1. Your Vcore seems kinda high...what is your VID?

Try setting your multiplier to 8x and adjust your FSB accordingly...see what you get.


Contributing Writer
My Q6600 is a pretty decent VID (1.2550) and I only have it running at 1.3565 at the moment...that runs pretty well at 3.6-3.8...4.0 requires a little more.

1.53? I'm surprised it lasts that long on Prime...how do you have that thing cooled? LN2?


Jan 27, 2006
I haven't changed any other volts at all since I don't really know what to set them to. I'd like put the vCore down but I don't see how that's possible at the moment.

My CPU VID is 1.32v in PCWizard, but I have it set to 1.53v in the bios. I use a OCZ Vendetta 2 heatsink, the thing rapes! idle temps 34, load temps 45 at 3.6 with those volts.

The options I have in the BIOS are:

CPU vCore
FSB Termination Voltage
DRAM Voltage
NB Voltage
SB Voltage
PCIE Voltage

...mind you I have no idea what to set these to...

Does anyone know what I should try for optimal settings using my system?


Jan 27, 2006
No, these cpus can hit 3.8 on air and 3.6 is the stardard power user overclock, I just need to know what settings to hit it and I will be fine. I am already hitting it, but it's not stable just yet. It's not a cooling issue either, this has nothing to do with temps.


Contributing Writer
You have to realize that not every chip performs the same. Just because you have a Q6600 doesn't automatically mean you get what other people get on OC's. There are minute, physical differences from chip-to-chip which is why they get different VIDs and binned differently.

I wish people would understand that it isn't always possible to read a forum, see some results, buy that product, and expect to reproduce the results exactly. The worst is when they then complain that "oh, yes it can, I read about some guys doing it, so mine should too"

You have to accept the fact that not everything manufactured performs exactly the same. If this were true, there would be no lemon cars, etc.


Jan 27, 2006
lol I'm not being like that. I understand that concept. I still think I can get it to 3.6 stable and if so, I'll be happy. I am able to get 3.6 stable for under an hour without tweaking any other of the volts but I'm going to try some settings tonight to see what I can yield. Also, can you explain what VID and Vdroop is? Maybe those are my issues. Someone with a P5Q needs to tell me what settings to try though :(


Contributing Writer
I think your biggest issue is probably your RAM voltage (it needs more to remain stable just like your CPU) and your CPU voltage...it seems a little high. Honestly, i'm surprised that it runs for an hour on Prime with those settings...I would think it would crash much sooner...like within minutes. If heat isn't a problem, I would think voltages are a fair bet to check next. Also, try an 8x multiplier...sometimes your FSB and RAM like that better.


Sep 18, 2005
I have a P5Q pro and a Q6600, maybe I can help.
My VID is 1.30V.

For 3.6ghz, I have mine set to:
400mhz x 9
1:1 FSB : DRAM

400mhz (DDR2 800)
2.1V 4-4-4-12

This might not help you at all though, since it looks like your VID is a little higher than mine. I want rubix's magical 1.2250V Q6600, I really can't get past 3.6ghz with mine 0_o .


Contributing Writer
I got pretty lucky...I got my G0 not long after they began replacing the B3's. I got mine fom ClubIT.com and they allowed you to specify B3 or G0 stepping. From what I have heard, a lot of those early G0's had pretty good VID's, but even mine isn't the best...I think there are 2-3 lower.


Jan 27, 2006
Okay cool. If I use a multiplier of 8x my FSB goes to like 1750+... is that safe? My mobo says it can only go to 1600FSB, I'm not really sure of those limitations. What is the best way to tell my CPU's VID? CPU-Z?


Contributing Writer
That or Coretemp should show it. Your FSB that you are showing is 4x, so it is technically somewhere in the area of 437.5. This should be fine, and you are running DDR2-1066, which should handle it fine. (I know, its screwy how they come to figure out what actually is what...some Google and Wiki searches are helpful to sort them out).

I am running a P35 board, the P5K series, which I am guessing is similar to your P5Q. My board has done very well in clocking and would assume you might have the same experience. I know that there are people that have better luck on certain model lines of boards, even with the same chipsets due to better capacitors, MOSFETS, etc. I think it just depends on your chip, your RAM and your board model.


Jan 27, 2006
I have disabled all the power saving features and enabled load line calibration before hand. I am at work right now so I will try when I get home(about an hour).

I like what you're telling me but I would like to have some more specific voltages for each option if possible. I still feel clueless as to how high I can go and with which things to go with. I am going to try the DRAM and FSB Termination volts tonight to see if that helps, along with NB also. I will leave everything else at Auto. Is that recommended?


Feb 2, 2007
Did you try to UNDERCLOCK your ram to make sure the RAM isn't holding you back? Too lazy to re-read all the previous posts to see if any mentioned it..


Jan 1, 2007
just to let you know in general CPU PLL and SB and PCI-E voltage should left alone. and all other voltage can rise as much as you like as the component can take the heat. but mind you FSB termination is similar or equal to vcore in terms of heat and damage to the CPU.


Jan 27, 2006
Okay I went home and played around with it last night and was able to yield some good results! I was able to run at 3.6ghz absolutely stable in all games and even Prime95 for the amount of time that I tested these settings. Here are the settings I used:

CPU Voltage: 1.475v
CPU PLL Voltage: 1.54v
NB Voltage: 1.40
DRAM Voltage: 2.0v
FSB Termination Voltage: 1.36v
SB Voltage: Auto(1.10v)

RAM: 3:4 - DDR2 1066 - 5,5,5,5,15

I tried the CPU volts at 1.44, 1.45, 1.46, 1.46.5 but they would all crash in within 5 minutes in Mass Effect. Until I hit 1.475 then it didn't crash and seemed fine for 2 hours of play. I think I am going to leave it like this until I see any kind of instability. Do you think that's okay? Thanks for all the help guys, this is awesome!



Nov 5, 2007
That voltage is higher then I would go on a Core 2 but if you wanna 3.6 that bad that may be what you need to do. Depends how bad you want it. At those voltages you are greatly reducing the life of your hardware even if your chip runs cool. I'm a bit of a coward though :p specially when my system is already fast and my vid card 8800 GT is my bottleneck to my CPU e4400 @ 3.0 GHz. Most the games I play are much more GPU then CPU intensive as are most current games.