What States Suck and Why.

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Jan 21, 2011
Just a brief question, which states (In America, sorry to alienate our buddies across the pond). My least favorite is Jersey, driving through it is almost intolerable. All i can see is shitty Guidos and smoke stacks as far as the eye can see. Try to buy anything local because you cant. I hate Jersey.
On a side note i love Vermont.


Jan 21, 2011
Well I do agree that the view from the jersey highway is ******* depressing. But im prejudiced against southerners also. Pretty much the culture below the mason dixon line is .....low. Bill boards and underhanded racism / sexism is what i usually get when i venture to see my southern brethren.
Go *** in your hat and pull it down over your ears! Not all of New Jersey is guidos and smokestacks you ignorant jackass. I suppose you actually believe that everyone in New Jersey acts and talks like Tony Soprano and is connected to the Mafia. I suppose you believe that those idiots on the "Jersey Shore" are actually from New Jersey.

Vermont sucks New Jersey's balls!


Jan 21, 2011
Listen there is ALWAYS an exception to the rules. BUT i don't want to have to bend over backwards to find the 5% of Jersey that doesn't suck. When your main export is orange whores and eggplants (Also the country wide leader in garbage, no seriously Jersey has the largest dumps in the country) how can you really expect the rest of the country to take you seriously. Even Delaware thinks Jersey sucks.
Dude...go fv*k yourself...you ignorant douche bag...your mom's pussy is like cabbage!
I'm starting to sense some hostility here.

Now you guys have way too many nukes over there so a civil war is out of the question.

I suggest you vent your rivalry via the football ...

Wanamingo ... this is your first warning from me and I don't give many - stop the trolling or take a holiday from the forums.

Chunky ... watch your cabbage.

Signed ... buddy across the pond
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