HELP-vga to hdmi


Feb 27, 2012
Hello,I am 72 with limited computer savy, and bought a vga to hdmi audio vid converter .i have a 32b vista and 4-yesr old Sanyo 32"hdtv.But no signal.My 35ft hdmi cable is1.3 and my resolution is set at 1280x1024@60hz
but somehow i am missing something.....

You need to run a multiple display wizard. . I have a nvidia card on my laptop so all I need to do is open up my nvidia control panel and click on multi display. It's pretty simple actually.

Or, this may help you:


Feb 27, 2012

Thank you ,found multi-display,but it only shows my 17" "only use one display,single".{maybe I need a vga splitter,at the moment I only have one vga cord,so i have to disconnect and re-connect it.NVIDIA searches for the TV but because its not connected-although it asks me if i want it enabled and its yes. I've watched numerous videos on HOW TO,seemed simple.The best i've was ,to see the NO SIGNAL go off,but no pic or audio on the TV....


Feb 27, 2012

I thank you for your reply, Both off Ebay,reviews were all good,all the videos made it look simple .My NVIDIA allows clone and dualview,but below only shows my 17" [single] . #2 says select display,but the Tv does not show because i have not got a VGA splitter [which I may need}At 72 I was hoping to sit back and enjoy my computer on the big screen.....But I am not giving up.....
You can't use a splitter unless both the TV and the monitor have the same resolution. The video card should have dual outputs though, if not, you need a new card. Unless you are just hooking up the TV and not the monitor. Not sure what you are doing to hook it up, you can't just swap the same cable back and forth though, it will not detect it properly.

Plus the converter can be crap. You are much much better off returning it and buying a video card with HDMI ports on it, should be cheaper also.