What programs should I need in my start up for my dell c 600




My computer is starting up very slow and it is running very slow for the first 45 mins of getting on the internet I have a Dell C 600 laptop. I don't know if it is my startup programs or what. Please help!!!
You may have many programs running in memory that don't need to be loaded at all times.

If you have many program icons in the system tray (next to the clock, bottom right of screen), some of them may be capable of being turned off.

Look at the icons, right-click them and look for Options. If there are options, see if you can find a place in the program properties that says anything like "Start when Windows starts" or similar. Uncheck these options.

The Network icon needs to stay for obvious reasons, the sound mixer icon (a little speaker) needs to stay, if there is an icon showing a tiny circuit board and a green arrow pointing slightly down and towards the left, it needs to stay. Your Anti-Virus needs to stay. Nearly anything else can go.

You can download a free program from Microsoft that will show you everything that loads with Windows. It is called "Detect Autoruns" and it has the ability to block anything from starting with Windows.

If you download it and install it, start it up and click the "Logon" tab at the top. What you do is "live" that is to say, there is no save button, it happens as soon as you click. Anything you prevent from starting with Windows can be re-enabled again by simple checking the box in front of the program and it will start again next time Windows is started.

There are many "Services" that can be disabled, but this is an area where it all depends on what you do with your computer whether any of them should be disabled or not.

Your computer is quite old, but still a very well engineered machine. If you can get rid of many start-up programs, it will boot and run faster.

The programs you would be disabling from starting with windows are not removed. They can still be ran from their shortcuts or the All Programs menu.
