Good God, Graphics Cards Now Haunt My Dreams


Mar 18, 2008
While my girlfriend was having an unpleasant nightmare about spiders crawling all over her, I was having a dream that, after the fact, is a bit more disturbing. Apparently the 9900's had come out and I had procured two of them. Crysis was topping 121 fps. I was so damn happy, then sad when I woke up and it wasn't true, then even more sad when I realized I now dream about video cards. I need to go camping or something.


Aug 6, 2006

I've had that dream before... :(


Nov 27, 2007
Thats ok mate, we all have weird dreams. I dreamt that Bill got a nobel prize for designing Vista.

Read up on Interpretation of dreams by Sigmond Froid.


Jul 25, 2007
Dream interpretation 1: Your GF needs you to spend more time with her.
Dream interpretation 2: You need to spend more time with your GF.


Mar 23, 2008

Spend more time with your video card instead. :na:


Apr 13, 2008



Oct 10, 2007
When I play late into the night I will get those BF dreams too. Sad indeed. I had a horrible one about getting knifed after playing a long night of knife only servers. Strangely there is never blood...


Dec 30, 2005
well in computer terms, Dreams are caused when your brain is doing a disk defrag, it is said that when the brain is sorting things out we dream about those things, thats why dreams dont make sense they are made up from experiances/feelings that we have had in the past...

so for example your dream is made up of two things, the excitment of having a new graphics card(which has probably happened to you in the past, or you have seen someone in the same state), put together with a likely card for Nvidia to upgrade too through rumors...

this is how we have deja vu, say you dream that you are taking a test and one of the questions, happens to pop up on the Real test, this is because you are stressed about the test and probably have read a similiar question before in a mock exam, you just dont remember properly so you jump to the conclusion of Deja Vu or in extreme cases that you predicted the future(which is bollox)


Oct 10, 2007

I though deja vu was a glitch in the system when they make a change to the matrix....

No seriously though, I think deja vu is something more than just having dreamt about a scenario before hand or having a coincidental reoccurrence. I have had deja vu at places that I have never been to nor seen in a picture before.

There are no scientific studies supporting this that I know of but I think that when deja vu occurs, something with our memory processing and perception of time alters to where we are remembering and processing a scenario at the same time for a split second. Therefore, it feels like you are remembering something as you are seeing it.

Next time you get deja vu pay attention to how your perception of time changes. It isn't the same as when you are just recalling a dream or something else from your memory. The way that we feel time is completely up to our brains. IE, certain drugs or activities alter our perception of can speed up and slow down. Certain drugs also alter our memory, for better and for worse. The brain does some amazing things that I could go on and on about but I don’t buy into the deja vu coming from a stored memory.


Dec 30, 2005
well its not from just one memory..

its from many, like i said a dream is a defrag our brain processes lots of memorys at once, those memorys mix together to create a dream, so when we dream its lots of memorys put together.

i can garantee that the OP would of had Deja vu from the dream they described if Nvidia brought out the 9900 and he bought one, the feelings and emotions would be the same as the dream. unfortunatly now that he wrote this thread he wont forgot about the dream and therefore the feeling of deja vu is spoilt.


Dec 21, 2006

I never have "waking" deja vu experiences as far as I know, However I am particularly given to lucid dreaming, how does that effect the defrag process when you are at least partially conscious and semi in control of a dream. I think the only time I experience Deja vu "feelings" is in dreams when I recognise a place as being a certain location even though it looks nothing like that location in real life...

Personally I love dreaming but consciousness during sleep is a very slippery thing... Even once conscious to the degree I "know" that Im dreaming, I cant always wrestle events to my complete control, sometimes I can "lose the plot" and slip back into full dream mode, sometimes I am merely a conscious wanderer in a "prelaid dream" some times Im spooked by something in a dream and try to fight my way to wakefullness, sometimes I am aware that something is a dream but morality and normality parts of consciousness are switched off, sometimes they are in place. The mind is a wonderfully weird place to go exploring, I can also write off the old notions that if you die in your dream you die in life, its not true :D Ive died a few times in dreams...

Oddly the most controlleable of dreams generally come about early morning when Ive woken up and try to go back to sleep, the entry to those dreams can be "terrifying" but somehow more consciousness and control is preserved in these, Theres a distinct "out of body" feeling to approaching these sorts of dreams normally an unexplained terror and feeling of presence of horror, just at the threshhold to the dream... I think its all part of the chemical effects of entering sleep on the brain gives all these weird effects to a conscious mind, but then once the entry to the dream is over I tend to find myself in my bedroom in "full control" of a dream able to reorder things as I see fit and to control scenes and events completely... Very cool and worth the bumpy entry :D

I also have a tendancy to "challenge" fears in dreams, Ghosts, demons etc, I might quake with fear as they appear but I tend to summon the courage to face them down, normally theres a weird mixing of consciousness to this as well, as my shout as I face these things down in the dream tend to escape in real life waking up my wife... but I think the sleep \ wake barriers may be particularly weak in my case as I was known to sleep walk in younger years, and to do other stuff whilst very much asleep in adult life :lol:

There also the classic "waking whilst asleep" dreams as well, when you think youve woken from a dream and havent, those can go several levels "deep" "oh that was just a dream as well" thank goodness for that... Now why cant I read this book the words arent staying place :lol:

But err Ive never dreamed about a new graphics card, I think you may need to seek professional help thats plain abnormal :kaola: :lol:


Dec 30, 2005
lol, nice post ^^ i only get my info from BBC documentary's, if you sleepwalk its actually caused by being in DEEP sleep, not the other way on..

its caused by a chemical imbalance, when we sleep the brain releases its own drug into our system which temporarily paralises the body preventing us from most movements, a sleepwalker does not release this drug and therefore the side effect is being able to get up and walk around.

its also strange how different sounds can effect your dreams, if you go into your deep sleep and a seagull starts to make some noise outside you will probably start dreaming about the beach(or an likely event that you associate with that noise).....

it is strange, when i was younger i could control some of my dreams, it helped me avoid many a nightmare by simply giving myself a gun to kill the demons with.