
Jul 9, 2009

I got a 750GB hard drive. I play some games and music and some videos.


1. any partition suggestions on which sizes should i partition my hard drive?

2. does installing the os on a small partition work? will the programs on the other partition run on xp or should i install xp there too?

thanks. sorry if my wording is hard to understand.

My opinion is that if you have only one actual drive you should install everything into a single partition for better performance. If you split the disk into two partitions then you're going to be forcing the read/write head to move further and that will slow things down.

For example, if you split your drive into two 375GB partitions, then the head will have to travel almost halfway across the disk every time the system reads files from the other drive (i.e., reading a file from the "C:" drive followed by reading one from the "D:" drive).