Overclocking RAM beyond 2GHz


May 24, 2008
Recently I purchased an 8Gb kit for my 790i mobo, already clocked 2000 MHz. I have heard that the max speed that any 790i will support is 2GHz, but I have also heard stories that some have passed that barrier.

So, willing I can push my FSB to 550, is it possible to clock my memory over 2GHz?


Your post is confusing. A 550MHz FSB (2200MHz throughput) only needs memory running at 1100MHz throughput in dual-channel mode (e.g. DDR2-1100) for a 1:1 throughput ratio.
8GB at 2K+?? The Magic 8 Ball says "Signs point to 'No'".

Seriously tho - As Mondo pointed out, a 1:1 ratio is 1100 Mhz, not 2K+. Please know that an 8GB build is VERY stressful on your motherboard. and therefore you may not even be able to get stock speeds from your memory. Let alone a big overclock on your DIMMS. By the way, that is a necessary detail which wasn't provided - What speed is the memory rated for?? Not many 8GB kits out there rated for faster than DDR2 800, and there's no way you're going to overclock RAM by 240%.

At any rate, you're likely to find that:

(1) You must manually set your RAM to the recommended latencies
(2) You must manually set vDIMM to the high end of the maker's recommended range
(3) You will definitely have to specify a 2T command rate
(4) If your BIOS has a setting for voltage drop (vDROP/vDROOP), you will have to enable it
(5) Make sure you manually set tRFC to 54 or higher
(6) May have to increase voltage to the Front Side Buss
(7) May have to run looser timings and/or slower speeds than the RAM is rated for in order to get that much memory stable.
(8) Memory speed on a FSB~based system has little effect on overall performance.