I/O magic storage died


Sep 20, 2009
MY usb driven I/O Magic storage drive is not registering on my laptop or any other computer for that matter. A day or so before it quit, it sarting acting funny. It would connect and disconnect to my computer over and over again. Then one day my computer just couldn't find it. The red light is on so I think it is recoverable. Any suggestions? My usb ports do work because I have tried other devices in them.


Seeing you have tried it in other computers and it still fails, you can try removing it from the enclosure and use an adaptor to see if you can recover your files.
Here is a link to the sort of thing you can use, they are quite cheap: http://www.cooldrives.com/saandidehadr1.html
They usually have their own power supply, alternatively you can buy another external case to try it in, either way this will show if the drive or case is the problem.
If it's the case you win and have a working drive, if the drive is faulty then you have spare case to put the new drive in.
I don't know your particular case but some cases, once you open them are not reusable.